On Saturday, the Redmond Town Center had a vintage racing car show. It was cool. Lots of old Ford Cobras with a sprinkling of older Porches, Corvettes. Some of the older engines didn't have air filters. The air intake came from horns pointed directly at the wind scoop. It made the engine look like a music box.
Went to the Cuff Saturday night. Met a nice guy there. He's a bit over weight and he smokes, although he tried to hide that from me. We first met a few years ago. He said he was in a bad relation ship for the past 2 years. The guy ended up stealing about five thousand from him. I gave him my number, and told him to call if he wanted to play pool some night, but no dating; he is very much on the rebound. He agreed and said he didn't want to date anyone for the next four months.
Go Have Lunch With Bill
*I'm in Season 4 now of my Binge Watch of "Lost" on NetFlix, it's
definitely getting Weirder starting with Season 4 and I don't expect the
last Three S...
2 hours ago
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