I'm in Toronto now.
I flew a red eye from Seattle to Toronto and arrived Saturday morning. G&J picked me up at the airport, we drove back to there place where I slept a bit more. G&J have a baby, Y, Y has grown a lot from the last time I saw him. He's walking now. G also told me that J is pregnant again. I'm happy for them. I kind of want a kid. Being gay and never having stable relationships prevents that possibiltiy.
In the afternoon we went to a picnic at a friend, F's place. The guys were playing crockette on a huge field with parking lots all around it. If you wanted to, you could hammer your opponents ball dozens of meters away.
In the evening I went to Paul's dinner cruise. I've known Paul for years. It's his 50th birthday, so he rented a ship for a nice dinner cruise. I saw a lot of people I haven't seen in years. Many of them haven't aged gracefully. Some of them have. I ran into a guy, John, the I've been making googly eyes with for years. Unfortunatly, when he's single, I'm in a relationship, (or moving to another city) or vice versa. He's dating someone now, but it's a long distance relationsip. John and his BF will be in Seattle in mid August, so I'll see him then.
The cruise was beautiful. The Toronto skyline is georgus at sunset. A tall ship sailed past us as the sun was going down. I kicked myself for not bringing the camera.
Today all my straight friends came over to G&J's for a BBQ. Many of my friends now have baby's so we talked a lot about the kids. Someone lamented that all conversations turn into conversations about baby poo.
The kids are cute though. They are all between 6 and 16 months. Y is 16 months. He's just getting the concept of moving things around. When he was playing with a crockette hammer trying to hit the ball, he was kept swinging wildy and randomly.
Once when one of the babies fell off of a wagon and started crying, all of the parents (8 people) instantly stood up and clapped and cheered for the baby. When the baby saw the cheering parents, he stopped crying. The parents did this reflexivly, without thinking about it. Keeping their kids happy has become a second nature.
At night, G and I had a talk about careers and how we are both working for money but not love. Unfortunatly we don't know what we love. So we can't give up our jobs to go where our hearts lead us. When you are in this position earning lots of bucks is a good substitiute for happiness.
Go Have Lunch With Bill
*I'm in Season 4 now of my Binge Watch of "Lost" on NetFlix, it's
definitely getting Weirder starting with Season 4 and I don't expect the
last Three S...
6 hours ago
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