Today is my last full day in Toronto. In a while, I leave for a BBQ at J&E's. I spend the night there, and then fly out tomorrow morning.
Friday during the day, G and I tried to connect his two computers plus his cable modem, all together on one network. One of the computers is older, so we couldn't use anything out of the box. We failed. We could get the two computers talking to each other. or one computer plus the internet, but not all three.
We swam in the afternoon. It's very hot here right now. You just walk out side and within minutes you start sweating.
I went downtown and spent the evening with Liam. We had dinner at a new Indian restuarant and then beer at the Black Eagle. Nothing has changed at the Eagle in 4 years. Most of the old bartendenders are still there.
I was fairly popular at the Eagle. 4 or 5 guys came on to me. It was a good ego bost, but I wasn't in the mood to have a one night stand.
I ran into Paul who is an old friend of Bob, my ex. Bob and I lived together in 95/96, but then Bob left me for another man. I haven't really seen or heard from Bob since then.
Paul couldn't wait to dish out some gossip with on Bob. When I was talking to Paul he said "Have you run into anyone from your past. A.K.A. Bob" He then told me that Bob is dating a hot 23yo (Bob is around 44). Paul hinted that things were not going well. He said that "Bob was paying the price, if you know what I meen." I didn't know what he ment, but I didn't care to dig deeper.
Liam went home after the Eagle. I went to the Barn. There's another bar where nothing has changed. The Barn was too hot and to packed. I left, had some ice cream (The basken robbins on Church St is open till 3am) and then crashed at Liam's place.
In the moring, Liam and I had breakfast and then said our goodbyes. It could be a long time before I see him again.
Go Have Lunch With Bill
*I'm in Season 4 now of my Binge Watch of "Lost" on NetFlix, it's
definitely getting Weirder starting with Season 4 and I don't expect the
last Three S...
6 hours ago
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