Wow. Much has happened.
Wednesday night, I went out with Eddie. He's a nice guy, but I doubt anything is going to happen.
Thursday, I flew of to L.A. to spend the weekend with Andy. Right off, Andy set the goal of getting me laid 4 times in 4 days. Andy is in a gay bowling league on Thursday's, so that's what we did first. I didn't play (Cause you have to be a leauge player) So I hung around, chatted and ate dinner. Met some nice guys, but nothing happened.
We went out for a drink at the Oil Can, and then went back to Andy's place.
Friday we went to the L.A. County Museam of Art. It was cool. I saw the "This is not a Pipe" painting. We also saw a Winslow Homer exhibit. We didn't tour the whole museum. It's fairly large, and we got tired out after a couple of hours.
We went home, napped, and went out to meet up with a couple of Andy's friends (Steven and ???) for dinner and drinks. Drinks at the Cobalt Lounge. Dinner at some Mexican Restaurant, and then drinks at the fault line.
Last week, Andy and Steven had a first date. So, Friday night was kind of a second date. It didn't go well. Andy payed Steve some attention, but Steve didn't reciprocate. As the night went on, we figured out that Steve is attracted to bears. This is really strange, because Andy is anything but a bear. So now we are wondering why Steve asked Andy out at all. At the Faultline, Steve and his friend went off and did their own thing.
After a while, Andy said he was going to leave me there to fend for my self. He was going to a twink bar. (The fault line is much more of a men in Jeans and t-shirt's bar) I ended up meeting a guy, and going back to his place. But, we did have fun in bed. Afterwards, he immediatly got dressed and told me he'd drive me home. I was kind of annoyed. I was hoping to sleep with him.
When I got back to Andy's he wasn't there. He showed up a couple hours later. We talked the next morning. He got laid too. But, he had a bad experience. Apparently the guy bit a lot (He had some bruises) and the two didn't really get along. The guy asked Andy for his number, but Andy lied that he had a boyfriend, and that "The circumstances to not permit me to do so." I think Andy was probably bummed that he was dropped by Steve, and picked up any guy that would do.
Saturday, we went to Venice Beach. I got a good sunburn. Went shopping in the afternoon. I bought new running shoes, and sun block. We went back to Andy's, napped, and then went out for dinner at a restaurant called Mark's..As I walked in, a guy at the other end of the restaurant, sitting with another man, pirked right up and smiled at me.
While Andy and I ate, the guy got up and went to the bathroom. He walked really slowly, and kept looking at me. I didn't notice it, but Andy did, he pointed it out and told me to go. So I did. Apparently, I got up so fast, that the waiter went over to Andy, and asked him if I was ok.
At the bathroom, the guy and I talked. He was in L.A. with his partner on busness. They were going to the faultline later, and hoped to meet up with me. As the guy went into the (single person) bathroom, he motioned for me to join him. I told him no thanks.
After dinner, Andy just dropped me off at the Faul Line, and went out to his own bar to cruise. It was an O.K. night. I met a better looking guy, with a great body, and went home with him. The sex was better too. Afterwards, while we were in bed, he turned to me and said "You know, if you want me to, I'll drive you back to your place." I wanted to sleep with him too. I looked at him for a second, and then told him Ok. I gave him my home phone, and email address. I doubt I'll here from him.
The next day was L.A.'s gay pride. A friend of Andy's, Paul, through a pride party. About 20 people showed up. We chatted and had fun. Paul lives about 1 block off of Santa Monica (The parade route) so it was easy to go to Paul's get a drink, and hang around in the A/C for a while, and then walk back down to the Parade. I met another friend of Andy's there, Brian. Brian is a doctor. He was a nice guy, and fun to talk to.
After the parade, Brian invited some of us over to his house for drinks. We went. Andy flirted with some guy. I forget who. Sunday was the first time I ever saw Andy flirting around. In Seattle, I never met his boyfriends. On top of that, he didn't have many dates.
We got drunk and climbed a magnolia tree in Brian's back yard.
Later on I told Andy that if I lived in L.A., I'd probably ask Brian out on a date. Andy was kind of suprised, he didn't think Brian was really my type
Lots of little things happened. I want to say them all, but don't feel like writing too much more.
This is what I want to say in bullet form...
-Andy is happy living in a very gay city only talking to gay people. That's not really what I want. I like my straight friends. I like straight acting guys. I don't want to live in the middle of a big city. I like being close to the mountains and rivers.
-If I moved to L.A, I probably would get married very fast. It's frustrating, living in Seattle, and only meeting guys where the best I can say is "He's ok, I'll have a date with him, and see what happens." In L.A. For the first time in a long time, I met very attractive men.
-After I met a husband, I'd move away from the city.
-I don't like having tricks. I want to build a life with a man.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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