Random things that I wanted to remember, but didn't find a good way to put in my journal...
When I was in whitefish MT, taking a taxi back to the resort, the taxi driver was stoned. At one point when there was nothing on the road, she slammed on the breaks and then said "Sorry, I thought I saw a deer.
I’m still frustrated over Harry. Just when I think I’m getting him out of my heart he writes me or phones me and it all starts up again.
I keep forgetting to turn my BBQ off. After I grill something, I'll turn the BBQ all the way up to burn the crud of the grill. More than once I've gone to grill something the next day, but found the BBQ tank empty and the burners turned to max.
I work near a woman who sometimes dresses like an elf. She also wears necklaces and earrings that jingle. It's surreal to hear a jingling sound then look out the door and see an elf walk by.
I haven’t responded to any of the emails or phone calls sent by people I met when I was in Zimbabwe. They were nice people but trapped in poverty. There are so few opportunities for the people of Zimbabwe. When they call or write me there is always a subtext of “Can you help me leave Zimbabwe and move to the U.S.A.” I feel a bit guilty for this.
I have to manage Bruce. Bruce says he’s going to do many things, and he’ll tell people he’s going to do those things, but then at the last minute he backs out. This happens constantly. In the past two months he’s invited people to, but then canceled, three different parties. The only reason I accept this is that I know it’s going to happen. I don’t trust Bruce to follow through with anything.
I think “pedophile” is a funny sounding word. It hides the seriousness of the crime by making me snicker.
My friend M once said “I must have ate a whole forest because I’ve been dropping logs all day long.”
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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