Monday, December 31, 2018
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Saturday, December 08, 2018
Monday, December 03, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
C2 flew into town and crashed for a few days at our place.
Then there was our straggler's Thanks giving, which went very well.
Clem & Bates came over for dinner last night. It's been too long since we caught up with them. They have been all over the place-- Morocco, Ireland.
This Wednesday, the husband will discover if he still has his job. His company is going through a big reorg. The details will be released Wednesday. Though a back channel, he knows that he won't have a job under his current boss or boss's boss.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
We have already put up our Christmas tree & lights. We did it, in part to pick up the husband's spirits. His company is about to announce a large layoff. He does not yet know if he has a job. He does know hat he won't be reporting to his current boss. It has stressed him. We'll get through it.
At my work, its quiet with Thanksgiving coming up. Many people take the whole week off. The husband and I are hosting a stragglers Thanksgiving. Is that a Friendsgiving? Hmmm. Googling Friendsgiving shows me that a Friendsgiving is a potluck between friends the weekend before Thanksgiving. Which this is not. We are hosting friends, and acquaintances who have no local family. A straggler's Thanksgiving it is.
The husband is busy planning the meal. He has purchased a large honey baked ham, and is making desserts and deviled eggs. Our guests will bring the remainder.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
We had breakfast together and then went shopping at a nearby mall. On our way out, the hotel security was concerned that we were walking. They wanted us to take a driver. We walked anyways. Both of us are used to the chaos that is Bangalore traffic. The mall was very Westernized, which is a little disappointing. There was some Indian men's clothing there. However, I am too tall for that. They don't carry my size.
I am substantially taller than most everyone on the streets. I get a lot of looks from that.
Currently I am on my way back home. My total travel time, door to door, will be about 32 hours. This gives me much time to reflect. To mull things over. To look for improvements.
One conclusion-- I don't spend enough time reflecting & improving. The day to day problem solving soak up all that time. In that respect, going to Bangalore was useful, just top pop me out of my routine. Thanks to the time difference, all things urgent had to be handled by my team. And they did a good job. I must continue to let them do so.
Another is that I don't connect with my network enough. Again, I'm hiding behind the day to day problems. Also, I have a tendency to isolate. Sometimes that's good, when I'm using downtime to recharge. But, sometimes I'm just goofing off, reading social media. I could use my time better. By reaching out to friends. By writing.
I also have a long track record of failed attempts at self-improvements. Recently I've become a bit better at forward planning. But, I still have a long way to go.
We shall see.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018
My old manager snapped back "You don't have to miss her you know. You can talk to her anytime."
My old manager always had a tough-love attitude that I really respected.
Day two of Bangalore is starting. We are fleshing out a six month plan. That's always a lot of work, especially when I don't have a six month plan for my team.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Thursday, November 01, 2018
I went to the Dr. last week for my annual checkup.
When he heard that I am traveling to India in November (for work) he updated my vaccines as well as giving me my flu shot.
He also gave me a prescription to prevent malaria. I don' think I'm going to take it though. I'll be in Bangalore in November. Bangalore is a very modern city. November is the dry season. Still, he insisted I take it.
A few days later he called me with my numbers. My cholesterol has gone through the roof! Now I am 10lbs heaver than the last time I had my cholesterol checked (2014) but, I'm exercising just as much as back then.
He is giving me six months to loose weight, change my diet and get my numbers back on track. After that we will discuss going on a statin.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Some of this applies to me.
Our boss's boss believes in an "Up or Out" style of organization. No one should stay put in their job for years. There is either a line-of-sight to promotion, or you are being managed out.
There are a couple of people on my team who are long length in level. They are not doing a bad job, but they are not growing. No line-of-site to their promotion. My boss's boss is wondering why I'm not either managing them out, or coaching them to shine.
I must make one or the other happen. Sooner rather than later, or I am not doing my job.
The other problem is that I too am long length in level. The boss's boss thinks I may be plateaued. Eventually the same evaluation will apply to me.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Monday, I left a bag of pepperoni sticks on the kitchen counter. The dog ate half of them and got very sick. When I came home from work, our house smelt bad. The dog had diarrhea on the floor.
Monday overnight I walked the dog every hour or two.
Tuesday, I had the dog walker walk her extra.
Tuesday night I walked the dog every two or three hours.
Wednesday morning I was exhausted. Fortunately, the dog started to go back to normal.
The husband returns home tonight. I hope the smell is gone and that I just haven't got used to it.
Thursday, October 04, 2018
Even for him it happened quickly. He walked into his regular meeting with his boss. HR was there. They had the talk. He was told he could have the rest of the day off. No prior warning. No recourse.
One of my coworkers has been working the grapevine for reviews on the new boss. So far the gossip is good.
Monday, October 01, 2018
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Then BD developed indigestion that that wouldn't go away. He went to the doctor. After much scanning BD discovered that he had pancreatic cancer.
He has about six months to live.
BD is sorting though his life now. His old sponsor has moved back to Seattle to help take care.
The value of life changes so much when you learn you have limited time.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Monday, September 03, 2018
We've had dinner with a few friend and gone on a couple of hikes.
At work... I'm contemplating a change of jobs. I have an interview with a different company.
I've worked for my current company for over twenty years. Now, I'm questioning what I want from the last fifteen years of my career. I am in a very competitive position. Do I want to keep pushing here until I retire? If I switched to the other company, there would be more money. It is also a younger company. They are looking for managers with my experience. Or so they say.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
The husband really loves Erasure.
Erasure did put on a good show. The theater, however, had no air conditioning. During the day Seattle hit 90F. I don't know how hot it was inside the theater with hundreds of people and not air flow.
We left two thirds of the way though because of the heat.
When the husband found out how much I spent on the tickets he said he was very thankful for the gift, but next time let's make this a 'we' decision.
Saturday, August 04, 2018
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
He is out now. We hear he has a job at the SA.
Friday, July 27, 2018
I've stopped fighting it. I now go to bed at nine pm.
The two extra hours in the morning are changing my life. I never used to do much after nine pm-- watch TV, relax. With the extra time in the morning I exercise, read more and plan for the day.
Monday, July 23, 2018
After spending time with my brothers and parents we had dinner with a few cousins.
I haven't talked to these cousins in years, but we had a great time together. Since I live far away from my cousins, I've never had to tell them I was gay. It was easy for me to avoid them. This is changing with Steven. Steven is friends with everyone and wants to meet my family.
For the most part, I think my cousins couldn't care less that I'm gay. Steven noticed that they didn't ask deeper relationship questions, like how we met. I'm giving them a pass on that. We haven't talked in 20 years. You have to save some conversation for the next time we meet.
We spent a day and a half in Kingston. It's a beautiful older city-- two hundred and fifty years old. It has an old fort built for the War of 1812. The fort is well preserved and has reenactments of 250 year old military operations.
Then we went on to Toronto and caught up with my old college friends. We spent Friday at Wonderland-- an amusement and water park. It was a lot of fun but exhausting.
Many of my Ontario friends have kids who are now turning 18 or 19 and are close to leaving home. Some of the kids are up to the challenge. They are excited about taking on the world. Some still haven't figured out what they want to do. They have problems keeping commitments. This is stressing some of my friends out.
My cousin's kids are a great example. Their daughter is excited about being an event planner. She wants to make things happen and works hard to succeed. She is planning a summer festival for their city and loves challenge.
My cousin's son on the other hand isn't sure what he wants to do, so he's got a part time job mowing grass for the city. He'll use the time to figure things out-- or so my cousins hope.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Until this trip, I've visited my parents rather tactically-- get in, spend a few days, leave. I've never explored the place since I moved away 30 years ago.
I didn't have fond memories of my home town. It wasn't a bad place. It wasn't my place. Now that I'm playing tour guide to the husband, I see it through different eyes.
There are many small lakes with small beaches. The water is very swimmable. This is a big contrast t to Seattle where there are few large beaches and the water is on the cold side.
The rivers and the rapids are sight to behold. We spent an afternoon walking along some of the larger rapids.
The local cuisine is based on fries and gravy. There are fry trucks everywhere. Each selling their own variation of poutine. At restaurants you can order sandwiches "hot"-- with gravy. So a hot hamburger sandwich is a hamburger patty, between two slices of bread, smothered with gravy. It will come with a side of fries and gravy of course.
It's good to spend time with my brothers and their wives and kids. When I travel here alone, I feel obligated to spend a lot of time with my parents. There is no break. With the whole family around, it's easy to move from room to room, from conversation to conversation. Spend a little time with some of the wives, then chat with my parents, then chat with a brother, then hang out with the kids who will ignore me why they listen to music or play games.
Both my brothers have lippy know-it-all moments. I wonder where that came from. I wonder how much that is in me.
At the end of the day, I'm really enjoying myself here.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
I also want to see him succeed for myself. I soon will be at the age where my career will look like it's standing still relative to all the young whipper snappers. I need to see him pushing on.
We "parked" yesterday. We took a couple of outdoor loungers, some food and the dog, and headed out to a local park. The weather was perfect.
Monday, June 18, 2018
This brother is 60. He and Steve have long since accepted that their family is complicated. Mother had multiple husbands. Father had multiple wives.
The results came back confusing. The test said he had much Central and South American DNA. His mother insisted his father was from Czechoslovakia.
So, the brother paid for the extended test. A test that named names.
What the brother finds most funny is that his mother insists his father is Spanish. She can't even say the word Mexican. He is amused that his mother is uncomfortable having a Mexican American son. Having many kids by many fathers... she has made her peace with that. But his father is Spanish!
Monday, June 04, 2018
Sacramento is a nice place. Not as bad as I had been lead to believe. It is a quiet city. You have to be able to entertain yourself, but it's not a boring city.
Steven's parents are divorced and in their eighties. They divorced 45 years ago and still haven't put the past behind them. Of course this stresses Steven out. He hates being in the middle.
The parents have mobility problems. We can't doo much with them. We can talk for a few hours, but that get's long in the tooth. Steven arranges errands so we can drive back and forth... buy donuts before breakfast, drop off a donut at dad's and chat a bit. Drive to mom's and drop off so more donuts. Have a full breakfast at mom's. Chat a bit. Drive back to dad's for lunch. And so on.
In July it's my turn. We are flying up to Ontario to visit my family. I'm trying to look through that experience with Steven's eyes.
From one older gay brother to another...
"That's very creative. Very Gay. You are femming up nicely in your old age. I was really worried for a while. Too butch."
From my mother in law...
"I may ask you too many questions. I am just so curious. I have friends who call me the lady with 100 questions. I just keep asking and asking. I really like to learn about people. Just last week and friend said "'those questions... how do you come up with them... they are so incisive!'"
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Of course, no matter where we go, we meet Steven's old friends. Not related to the wedding, an old coworker just happens to be in Vegas. The sister of a good friend of his just happens to be in Vegas.
A grade school friend of Steven's happened to be in Vegas. We had a short chat with her in the high roller lounge...
"I only use the high-roller area. I don't gamble with the general public."
"My husband is flying to Africa for three weeks. He is going to hunt. I'm not going with him. It's too dangerous for blond haired, blue eyed woman."
I try to not judge people. Sometimes people paint such vivid pictures of themselves in so few words that one can't help but form conclusions.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Steven and I are in Vegas for a few days. We are here for his cousin's wedding. After Vegas we are flying over to Sacramento to visit his parents.
Vegas is fun. Action packed. I think Steven and his brother love the energy, the people, the shows.
I enjoy Vegas very much, but I also need quiet time.
Much of Vegas is made to encourage to drink, to shop, to eat, to spend money. Our hotels rooms are nice. But not so nice that you'd want to lounge around in them for an evening. Even the air is a little stale. I don't know if all that was intentional, but I've had this same experience before.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
When we go to bed, she'll be curled up in her bed. When we wake up, she'll be curled up in her bed, but things will have changed. She'll have routed through the garbage. The cat food bowl will be scrupulously licked clean.
I wonder what she does when we leave her alone all day.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
As I grow older, I'm still trying to understand my foibles. I'm mostly introverted, except…
I love having dinners with friends. I love cooking for friends. If I'm alone, I'll reheat leftovers. Friends—steak with a sauce that I've spent hour preparing. Home baked bread. The list goes on.
I love sleeping with Steven.
I like spending a few hours alone in the morning.
I enjoy hiking and running alone.
I like to spend evenings with Steven, and with Friends.
Sometimes I think I want to go on a long backpacking trip all by myself. Maybe I'll do that, just to see when I miss people the most.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Monday, May 07, 2018
We had a good talk about our townhouse. The townhouse is nice in many ways, but great in none. The neighborhood is nice. The mortgage is affordable. The space is nice, though cramped in places. Close to shopping. Close to parks. A reasonable commute to work. A nice coffee shop is next door.
We'd like a back yard. A place to hang out. A place to put the dog so we don't have to walk her so often. We'd like a little more space to throw larger dinner parties. Those are tall orders around here. We are looking at $300,000 more than this townhouse to buy such a place.
$300,000 more is a lot. We could retire a few years early with that. We could buy a vacation property.
So we are going to live with the townhouse. Maybe do it up a little. Better closets. Better furniture. Did I mention that the townhouse is very nice?
Sunday, May 06, 2018
My friends G&J live 3 blocks away from it. Their son was across the street from the attack. He was at a fast food restaurant. His back was to the window. He didn't see the van attack. He did see the aftermath.
He called G&J to tell them of the attack. G asked him to leave immediately. He did so.
The place was very locked down for over a week. One interesting twist-- the police brought many therapy dogs there. Those going to see the scene of the attack were greeted by cute friendly dogs.
Monday, April 30, 2018
I threw out my back. I was doing a new exercise, burpees, that are a wonderful full body exercise. Except they are also hard on the back.
At work things have gotten weird. Some background. I'm a manager. A peer of mine, M, is also a manager. Our boss's boss, F is new. F directly gave M a new responsibility, skipping over our boss and delegating direct to M. This new responsibility is tough and feels punitive.
M melted down. He left work for two days. He came back briefly on Friday to talk to his mentor. He left his mentor crying and went home again. Our boss also had to leave work. His blood pressure was high and he had a migraine.
Today M is back. M and our boss have been in and out of meetings all day.
I get it that F's ask is tough, but M's reaction did not help. F's authoritarian leadership isn't helping either.
I can only mind my own business and hope that it all works out.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Steven spent much of the weekend working on his parents homes.(They are divorced). While they live independently, they are becoming feeble. The house maintenance isn't what it used to be.
I had a quiet Saturday. I caught up on many chores I haven't done in a while.
Sunday I exercised for the first time in a long time. I threw my back out. Advil and ice packs are helping.
Sunday, April 08, 2018
I really enjoy parts of the AA convention. Other parts just weren't for me. My AA friends there understood that too. There is a gap between us. They've done hard drugs. They struggle to stay sober. Sobriety just comes naturally to me.
I can see them battle. I can appreciate the effort they put into it. I can see them work hard for any trick that will make their day easier, that will mend their past wrongs, that will let them take one step forward.
When I listen to the speakers, their are always funny stories. I enjoy that very much. There is also the constant reminder that we must push ourselves every day to improve.
One thing that AA does well, is to make self-improvement a social thing. Through sponsors and sponsees. Through meetings. It's all free. You just have to do the work. We don't have a real model for that in my world, the secular world.
I attend Al Anon meetings-- meetings for friend and family of addicts. But I don't really have Al Anon problems. My husband is a great man. He has his shit together.
But, I do take a few lessons from Al Anon and AA. Then I will have one cocktail. Just one. Two will give me a headache and make me feel pasty. I will enjoy my one cocktail and have a good night's sleep knowing that my demons are elsewhere.
As C6 said, "If I could drink like you, I would drink like that all day."
Sides are being taken. Demands are being made.
SB, who is the executor of the Washington will, is in Florida trying to close down BL's estate. Part of me thinks he would be happy if the cocktail-napkin-will appeared and was legitimate. That would let him walk away from this mess.
Either way, SB is keeping a few people informed and copied on what's happening just in case things go wrong. The "Cocktail Napkin Crowd" are in interesting set of characters.
Saturday, April 07, 2018
Thursday, April 05, 2018
I didn't know BL well, He was a friend of Steven's. They met through the AA crowd. We've had dinner together many times. He also did yard work on my house. He was a talented gardener.
BL led a very colorful life. He did porn in the 80's and used that as a pickup line ever since. He would have a hot new boyfriend a little more often than I could keep track of.
Steven cried a little when he heard about BL. He and a few of BL's other friends are at a meeting tonight, sharing their experience, strength and hopes together.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Back to work this week. The cloud & gloom of Seattle have affected me the most. These are just first world problems.
Steven is contemplating his next move at work. The area that he's working on is shrinking. He, his coworkers, and his manager see that. It's just a matter of time before there is a re-org.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Monday, March 12, 2018
Monday, March 05, 2018
It's been a busy few weeks. Steven and I were down in San Fran last weekend, visiting old friends and seeing the sights. Steven grew up just south of San Fran so he has many friends there. We got to see the non-tourist side of SF. Things like have a great hike in the Oakland hills, or the good restaurants Alameda.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
I used to have a great camera and enjoyed taking photos. Somewhere along the line all that stopped. Then my camera went missing in the separation from my ex.
Lately I've been looking over nice cameras. Reading reviews. Comparing. But I can't honestly say that I would make great use of a good camera. I don't take that many pics with my cell phone. I don't have that much time to process pictures. Steven and I have busy careers and I don't want to take away from that in our time off.
So the good camera goes by the wayside.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Dinner and a play last night. The play was "Straight White Men" I'm not sure what to think about S.W.M. Steven loves theater. I enjoy a big theatrical productions. Smaller plays usually don't click with me.
SWM is a play about white male privilege. The writer approaches this very maturely-- there are no easy answers. Yes, white men have privileges. Asking straight white men to give them up is just not a solution. There is no solution to the problem of your existence.
The gimmick of the play is that while the main cast are all white men, the crew and minor characters are very visible minorities. Between acts the minorities reset the stage and then go and sit in the audience. In my case, the flaming black gay man who introduced the play sat right next to me. During the play he would quietly talk about the events with those around him. In one scene when the white men are all eating the same piece of pie, the drag queen quipped "But it's flu season!"
Like I said, I'm not sure what to think about this play.
Before the play we had dinner with Blum. Meeting Blum is a small-world story. I worked with Blum maybe 10 years ago. We drifted apart as work changed. Recently, Steven met Blum through his recovery meetings. Blum invited Steven to her holiday party. And we reconnected.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
I see that Tommy has hit a bump with his treatments. I hope all goes well. He is doing the right things.
At my parents home, mother is on more medication for her seizures. Dad thinks her memory is in more rapid decline.
I'm doing very well through all of this. I paid my last payment to my ex so there is now some extra cash in the budget. The pets are doing fine. Steven and I are doing great.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
The sponsee has checked into treatment.
The night before he said he was so anxious about treatment that he hardly slept a wink.
Wednesday morning we drove to the treatment center. He had to give up his cell phone, but he is allowed to receive mail, so he was scrambling to write down contact information.
The treatment program is six months long and very cloistered. He could only bring in underwear, socks and $60.00 in cash. He will only be able to see a few preapproved visitors after 30 days. It's not a lock up though. The doors were open. We had to be buzzed in, but I could exit the building without being stopped. He can leave when he wants.
I hung around for a half an hour just to double check he met all the basic requirements. Then we said our good byes and I left.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Today, I am determined to not be a couch potato. I am leaving the TV off and engaging with other things. Such as writing a long and sprawling blog entry. I'm not sure the world is better off because of this. But hey…
The sponsee is still here. Last Thursday he was very sick with a cold so we couldn't check him into addiction treatment. His check-in date is now set for this Wednesday. We have been taking care of him. Fortunately he has been very easy to take care of as he sleeps most of the time.
Friday afternoon the sponsee called me. The fire alarms were going off in our house. He said there was no smoke. He couldn't figure out how to reset the alarms. I quickly drove home to investigate—the house and the sponsee. The sponsee was right. There didn't appear to be any reason for the alarms to go off. I pulled the alarm batteries and disconnected their hard lines. Modern fire detectors are just too clever. The sponsee was clear headed when we talked, but still sick and coughing. He went to bed and fell asleep shortly after I shut off the alarms.
Saturday morning I fell into some kind of procrastination black-hole. I couldn't bring myself to watch the tv shows that I wanted to watch. That would be admitting that I was goofing off. Instead, I left "The Amazing World Of Gumball" on TV and just vegged. Gumball is not the kind of show that adults should binge watch. It's a clever children's show with occasional naughty jokes. None the less, I watched it for hours. What are those creatures? What are the laws of physics in that universe?
Saturday afternoon Steven returned from his trip. I was very glad to see him.
Saturday evening was Yo's birthday. Steven and I were invited, but we thought it best if Steven stayed with the sponsee. I took a few hours off and went there by myself.
I took a Lyft there and back. I really like Lyft. The service that they provide is great. Getting a taxi is easy. I know what I'm going to pay before hand. Rides come quickly. The cars are clean.
Why is it that when I call a big taxi company, it takes 30 minutes to get a ride to my house, But with Lyft, one will be there in 5?
Anyways, It's a treat to use Lyft. Not only could I drink with out worry, but I didn't have to deal with traffic or parking. The next time Steven and I go out for an evening, I'm going to use Lyft even if it is many bucks more than driving. Steven can get frustrated driving and parking, especially when it's raining and the traffic is high. He has mentioned that he wants me to drive more, but he is such a control freak that he doesn't like it when I drive. Lyft may avoid that problem and let us have a stress free evening away.
Back to Yo and the Angel. I had dinner and drinks with them. We three are all escapees of very bad relationships. The Angel opened up about that with me for the first time.
We had a wonderful dinner. We had great drinks—hand crafted cocktails. A "Hand-crafted Cocktail Lounge" sounds pretentious compared to a "Bar" but these lounges do a nice job. They are well designed. The drinks are nice to look at. The bartenders are very showy while they make them.
The difference between a bar and a cocktail lounge… at a bar, a scantily dressed young waitress will quickly bring you your drink in a Solo cup. Male bartenders or waiters are rare. At a high end lounge, well dressed men and women will serve you and even have good conversation with you.
So I had a party night with Yo and the Angel. Even though I drank heavily, I was home by 10pm. This is my life now. When did that change happen? There were years when I wouldn't head out to a club until 10pm. Now 10pm is bed time. Even on weekends.
Sunday morning I woke up with a bit of a hangover. I cannot let Steven know when I have a hangover. Given his attitude on drinking, I think that he'd rub it in. I drank a lot of water and took a few asprin. I went for a nice long hike with the dog.
Sunday afternoon the sponsee took a home drug test as the addiction treatment center won't take you unless there are no drugs in your system. The test showed all clear. It was nerve wracking waiting for the test to process. We had a good laugh after.
Sunday evening the sponsee went out to his car to remove any valuables. Steven, not joking, asked "Should we watch him. Do you think he will return?" We were relieved when he did return ten minutes later.
Steven is away this week for work. We said our goodbyes a few hours ago. I babysit the sponsee today. Another AA acquaintance will watch him tomorrow. Wednesday morning we check him into treatment.
I hope he makes it.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
The sponsee is here. He is pasty and tired. He says he's been awake for three days. Crystal meth and gambling. He is very uncertain of himself.
He is in bed now.
Steven is away for a few days so we have been coordinating over the phone. The sponsee is spending the night here. In the morning he drives him self to a someone (Who is also in AA) They will spend the day going to AA meetings and doing research on recovery & treatment options.
If all goes to plan, Thursday evening the sponsee heads back to our place.
I'm trying to be a good host but am staying detached. A cynical part of me says I'd love to be taken care of for a month and to receive counseling and coaching to help solve my problems. But, that is not helpful. His are not my problems.
I don't understand addiction. Sure, there have been times I've drank too much or done other stupid things. But, I've always been able to stop myself or change. These addicts push on till money, hunger or health slam them into a wall.
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
Thursday, January 04, 2018
The sponsee… some thing has happened.
Steven received a text earlier today from the sponsee. The sponsee had to leave treatment. He said his insurance was denied.
We three made an arrangement that the sponsee would sleep at our townhouse tonight. While the sponsee was waiting for me to return to home, he said he would go to a nearby AA meeting. Afterwards he would drive to our house.
But then nothing. The sponsee has gone quiet. I hope the best for him. I fear the worst.
Wednesday, January 03, 2018
Monday, January 01, 2018
Happy New Year all!
We spend the evenings at friends, Allen and Evan. They cooked a great dinner for us—prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, roast veggies.
Now, we are all early people. While we originally intended to stay up to midnight, at about 11pm we started to peter out. We excused ourselves and drove home and watched the New Year come in on our TV. They we promptly went to bed.
New Years Resolutions-- Looking over my blogs, I see that I don't have a great track record of keeping resolutions. I think I will leave this at that.