Wednesday, November 21, 2018

I've been under the weather for the past few day. I picked up a cold somewhere between Bangalore and Dubai. I have quarantining myself to keep my friends and coworkers well.

We have already put up our Christmas tree & lights. We did it, in part to pick up the husband's spirits. His company is about to announce a large layoff. He does not yet know if he has a job. He does know hat he won't be reporting to his current boss. It has stressed him. We'll get through it.

At my work, its quiet with Thanksgiving coming up. Many people take the whole week off. The husband and I are hosting a stragglers Thanksgiving. Is that a Friendsgiving? Hmmm. Googling Friendsgiving shows me that a Friendsgiving is a potluck between friends the weekend before Thanksgiving. Which this is not. We are hosting friends, and acquaintances who have no local family. A straggler's Thanksgiving it is.

The husband is busy planning the meal. He has purchased a large honey baked ham, and is making desserts and deviled eggs. Our guests will bring the remainder.

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