Having a room mate is going to be interesting. Cor moved in on Friday. This is the first time I've lived with someone since since 96.
When Cor and I discussed the rules of the house I said it was ok to bring guys over. It makes sense. We are both healthy single men. Eventually we are both going to meet someone and want privacy. Also, I figured Cor was fairly conservative-- when Cor and I slept together (Last March) we didn't have sex. He said "No sex till we love each other."
Well, tonight Cor walked in with a very trashy, trampy looking guy. I don't think Cor knew the guys name because the guy had to introduce himself to me. It was kind of a weird, awkward and funny moment. Fortunatly R called, so I had an excuse to leave-- to have dinner with R.
I should give Cor the benifit of the doubt. Maybe they've been seeing each other for a while. I'm laughing at Cor in my head. "Cor. You're a good looking man. Why do you want to sleep with that!" Is judging someone behind their back worse than talking about someone behind there back?
I can hear them talking and gigling in Cor's bedroom. Part of me wants to put my ear up the the door. I won't. I'll respect his privacy.
The good thing about having a journal is that I can bitch and laugh and vent and get it all out of my system. It lets me be much less gossipy in real life.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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