Cor came over last night. We had dinner together. He also slept over but we didn't have sex. He said no sex till we love each other. I don't care weither or not we have sex together.
The next time I see him, I have to tell him that I'm not falling for him. It's too bad, He's a good man, however he fits in the "friend" and not the "lover" category. I've been trying to put my finger on why I'm not falling for him. He's attractive, he has a good job. He's a nice guy. All I can come up with is "chemistry"
He has his bagge as well. He and his ex got married in Vermont. They are still married. He said his ex calls him every day. I'm using that as an excuse to keep some distance between us.
I hope I'm not too picky.
Every Friday out teem has a Beer & Status meeting. Where we drink beer, eat snack food and discuss the weekly status. Today the guy who buys the beer asked if he could borrow my truck to help buy the stuff. Of couse I said yes. We've got a weekly budget of $250.00 for beer and snack food. It was kind of fun buying all those obscure beer brands and weird snacks that I would never buy with my own money.
Later on I headed down town and had dinner and coffee with C2. Things are going ok with him. After wards, I had a beer at the Eagle. Unknown to me, it was their monthly Water Sports night. The Puget Sound Pissers Society was their and holding a raffle. You could win great prizes like a Pissers's yellow T-Shirt, or a ticket to their exclusive pee party next weekend. Oh boy.
One guy dressed in a yellow shirt, a rubber vest and rubber boots kept following me around. It was a bit odd. He was polite so I didn't go too far out of my way to avoid him.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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