Wow-- long weekend. The juicy stuff is at the end...
We (me, Bruce, C3, and about 14 other people) left for Whitefish on Thursday Afternoon-- took an overnight train. My bunkmate was J. As soon as we reach our cabin J called dibs on the top bunk. He regreted that. The top bunk is narrower then the bottom bunk and has less head room. Also the heater, which is on the ceiling, was stuck on hot.
We spent Thursday evening walking from cabin to cabin chatting with each other. Many of the guys were pretentious ski queens. A few of them were normal good people.
The train arrived Friday morning at 7:30am. None of us slept well. To help him sleep, C3 took several pain killers. He spent most of Friday kind of groggy and out of it.
They bussed us to our hotel. C3 ended up forgetting some of his luggage at the train station. So, Bruce and C3 went back to find it. I started snowboarding.
It was very foggy. I took the lift up to the summit anyways. That was a mistake. The top was a complete whiteout. I couldn't see more than 10 feet away from me. When there is that much fog your mind starts to play tricks on you. I started to hallucinate-- to see trees 20 feet away from me. I sat down next to another snowboarder in the same predicament. We talked for a few minutes. He knew the run so he could get us down, but he wasn't a strong boarder. Without being able to clearly see the ground he was constantly falling. We stuck together and slowly worked our way down, talking many breaks. After about 45 minutes we reached the base.
For the rest of the day, I stuck with the lower runs-- much less fog.
That evening the hotel hosted a wine and cheese party for us. That was the first time I noticed D&L. D&L are a fit, attractive bear couple. Good normal guys. Bruce commented that I would end up having a threesome with them. I didn't want a threesome, so I kept a comfortable distance.
For dinner Bruce, C3, some of the guys and I went to Kandahar for dinner. Kandahar is overpriced. We spent $35.00 a head without alcohol. The food while good wasn't great.
After dinner we crashed. It was long day.
Saturday Bruce, C3 and I had breakfast and went boarding. We found Jesus! There is statue of Jesus near chair lift #2. It was put there by the Knights of Columbus back in the 50's.
One of the pretentious ski queens tried to pick me up by snowboarding. He rented a snowboard so we could board together all day. I accidentally got separated from the ski queen. Oops. Later on he bitched me out.
Saturday evening Bruce and C3 stayed at the resort for dinner. I went into town with J, another guy and D&L. It was over dinner I noticed how handsome L really was. We had a good dinner. Mostly small talk since we were all strangers to each other.
On the way back in the dark of the taxi, L put the moves on me. I set next to the door, L set next to me and D sat next to L. L put his arm around me and stroked my neck, my hair and my beard. I felt sparks. No one has touched me in months. I rubbed his leg a bit. L goosed me on the way out.
Back at the hotel we hung around and chatted a while. I caught L looking at me a few times. After about an hour we headed off for bed... separate beds.
Sunday morning was very cold-- below 0F. Even though I’ve lived in the U.S. for 5 years, for the cold I still think in Metric. When someone says a temperature common to Seattle, I know what it's like without converting to Celsius. When someone says its -5F I have no idea. I had to convert it to Celsius... -12C, cold but bearable.
Sunday afternoon I took a big spill. Taking a big spill sucks all the energy out of you. After the spill, simple turns took a lot of effort. For my own safety I called it a day. Bruce and C3 carried on.
I hung around a bar at the resort-- the Hell Roaring Saloon. Caps for the saloon were hung up above the bar. The bartender was short. I am very tall. When someone wanted a cap, she got me to reach it down for her. For the favor she gave me a few complementary pints of beer.
We had dinner and headed back to the train. We were drinking in the observation lounge. Another nice guy, R sat next to me and tried to pick me up. Rob lives 6 hours away from me so I didn't pursue it. L sat opposite me and rested his legs on mine. It was an ego boosting moment. I felt bit uncomfortable, but I also felt good that two normal guys were chasing me. Granted, one was in a relationship and the other lived 6 hours away, but hey, it still felt good.
D came back and saw the way L was resting on me. L moved away and started paying more attention to D. A while later D&L went off to bed. About 15 minutes later I did the same.
While I was in my bunk, L came in. He rubbed my chest and we kissed a bit. I told L to take care of D because D was a good man. L said he knew that, but I was a much better kisser. He also said that D had clipped his wings after they left the observation lounge. L called me a handsome man. I called him a big flirt. I also told him that he was the first man I've lusted after in a long time. It's true. No one has pushed my buttons that way since Harry. It’s good to know that I can still feel passion for someone new.
We kissed some more. Then L left.
Monday morning when I checked my messages, I heard that Brian's trial was last week. I called up Brian's best friend On Friday Brian was acquitted of the attempted murder charges. Now he's out for revenge. He's suing the state and the guy who charged him for wrongful imprisonment. Instead of this being a wake up call for Brian he thinks he can beat the system. I’m worried about this. I’ll see what happens the next time I run into him.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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