I went to our companies Research Exhibition. Once a year, the Research division showcases their latest technologies. Some of the technologies were kind of fun such as better ways to make realistic images for video games.
Some were creepy. There was one technology that made your eyes always look at the screen. When you video conference with someone, you look at the screen and not the camera. So, the person on the receiving end sees you looking off to the side and not at him. This program automatically edits the image to make it look like your eyes are focused on the receiver. The result was weird, like one of those paintings with eyes that always look at you.
I'm kind of annoyed and jealous that there are people at our company working on weird problems like that. I should have got a PHD. Instead I decided to stick with my lowly Bachelor of Mathematics.
Yes John, that's why I'm so analytical-- I'm a mathematician.
Speaking of people who regularly read my journal, who are you? Over the past month, I've noticed that my weekly hit count has doubled. I don't advertise this site to many people. I never intended to become popular. I just wanted to keep a journal and the self destructive/exhibitionist side of me said "Hey! Put it on the Web." So, if you read regularly, drop me a line and introduce yourself.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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