Friday night, for the first time in months, I stayed home and slept. I was going to go to the Cuff, but as a pulled out of the drive way I noticed that I was really tired and probably wouldn't enjoy myself. I turned around and went to bed.
Saturday morning I had breakfast with C2. We told Karyn, the worlds best waitress, about Wednesday night. And asked here what she would have done if she found a homless person in her car. She gasped and thought about it for a minute. She said she really didn't know, but probably would have called 911.
Saturday it was Sunny. I went rollar blading. My rollar blades or old and need new wheels. I also slept out in the sun for a while.
In the evening I had an internet date. He was an ok guy but I'm not that attracted to him. There was something weird about him.
Later on I went to the Union Garage Theater. A comedy troup was performing there and C3 was part of one of the sketches. Bruce wasn't there. He's had a migrain.
There were about a dozen performers. There were only six people in the audience.
Most of the comedy was kind of lame.
I was supposed to film C3 and his sketch, but when he went on I couldn't get the video camera to work.
For the closing number, because the cast outnumber the audience, they called us all on stage and we did the can-can with them.
Afterwards C3 and I went to the Cuff for a beer. Rozalla was performing. I don't know why, but when ever a dance pop diva appears at the Cuff, dozens of drag queens come out. It really changes the crowd.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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