I had an eventful, fun night last night. Chris2 called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to Dan Savage's Valentines Bash. He said it should be fun.
We met before hand at Bauhau's coffee. While I was at Bauhau's, a bum walked by the door. Two people in Bauhau's noticed the bum, and made a b-line for the door, started shouting at the bum, telling him to go away. After a few minutes the bum left.
Now, C2 drives a very old car whose doors don't lock. When we left Bauhau's and walked towards C2's car, he noticed someone was in his car! We opened the doors and the bum popped out. C2 started screaming at the bum.
"Why are you in my Car!"
"I thought it was my Car."
"Bull Shit, you were trying to steal my stuff."
The shouting match went on for a few minutes. In the end we let him go. The bum didn't steel anything. C2 said there was nothing valuable in the car. The bum had opened up the glove compartment and removed the ashtray. Papers were all over the place.
We talked about it for a few minutes. C2 asked me what I would do if I found the guy in my truck I shrugged and said I probably would have done the same. He asked me if he should have punched the guy. I said probably not. He agreed-- that would just make an unpleasant situation worse. C2 said he was going to fill out a police report just to keep them informed.
We arrived at Dan Savage's Valentines Day Bash at about 7:30. To be admitted, you had to fill at a personal ad in the Stranger
The show started at about 8pm. It went like this... people got up on stage and with a memento left from a past relationship-- a love letter, a photo, divorce papers. The person would then tell the story of their breakup. Then, they would destroy the memento. After the memento was destroyed, the person got to grope the Dan Savage's "Muscle Boy" assistant. The whole time Dan Savage is making jokes and sarcastic remarks.
How were the mementos destroyed? They were shredded, burnt, bashed with hammers and baseball bats.
One man put a picture of his ex on the wall. The front row of the audience then threw tomatoes and chicken feet at it.
They blended some old love letters and valentines together with liver and ice cream. The mixture was feed to two huge dogs.
One guy smashed a music box with so much vigor that pieces of the music box were imbedded into the baseball bat.
One of the love letters had an ex's phone # on it. Dan Savage called the number up, got an answering machine, and then had the audience to shout "You're a shit!" as the message.
It was hilarious. There were many bitter people there.
Afterwards C2 and I went to the cuff for a drink. I met a nice guy there. He’s a chef. We talked a bit and I have him my number. I walked up to C.C’s to get omething to eat. He walked in a few minutes later. We chatted some more and he said that when I told him I was going to get something to eat, he figured I was going to C.C.’s since no other restaurants were open. He offered to drive me back to my truck and I accepted. We kissed a bit in his car. But, it was very late, so thanked him and said good night.
I hope he calls.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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