Yesterday I had one of those great days that you don't plan for. Now that I've reread it, the story is kind of lame. But still, I want to remember it.
Right now the Snoqualmie Falls are very big. The snow is melting in the mountains, swelling the rivers. So Friday I sent around an email to a bunch of Friends saying "Hey, let's hike down to the bottom of the falls. Meet Saturday at 11am at the top."
Saturday at 11am, only the Tease showed up. A bit disappointing but cool. I don't often get a chance to spend time alone with the Tease. At the same time, nothing is going to happen between us, so whatever
When we got the bottom of the falls the view was increadible. Even better, you could hike around the edge and get very close the falls. We were covered in mist.
After a bit we pulled back and started sunned on a rock. That's when Steven and Mat showed up.
We hung around and walked up close to the falls again. Then made our way back up to the top.
That's when Behr caught up to us. I think he wanted to see the falls, but he didn't want to hike down and up. So, he delayed his arrival.
Had lunch in North Bend at Twede's, the place where they filmed part of Twin Peaks. That's where Bruce and C3 caught up to us. (Aren't Cell Phones great)
After that we hiked around Lake Tradition.
After that coffee.
After that a spaghettii dinner at Bruce and C3's
All in all, a great social, outdoors day.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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