I've been busy lately.
Friday night, C2 and I had dinner at Siams.
Saturday, C2, Mathew, Sandy and two of the PB's went camping at at Lake Cushman. It was fun; sunny and warm on Saturday, sunny and cool and Sunday.
Saturday C2 and I hiked around the Stair Case Rapids. The rest of the guys went boating. Originally, C2 and were going to boat with the others, but when C2 saw the "Bridge Out-- Trail Closed" sign for the Stair Case Rapids, it became a challenge. We had do do the trail and cross the rapids, even if there wasn't a bridge.
We managed-- jumping from rocks fallen trees. The river was so low that it wouldn't cause too many problems even if we fell in.
Sunday morning C2 drove back early to spend the day with his parents. The rest of us hiked along Lake Cushman. It was beautful and weird. Lake Cushman is an artifical lake formed in the 1930's. Right now the lake is low enough that you can see the thousands of tree stumps that line the bottom of the lake. The trees were big-- five to ten feet in diameter.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
11 hours ago