Friday, Mark called. He said he's going to be out of town on Business for a couple of months. He told me he wanted to call me and keep in touch. We'll see. I think that he just doesn't want to date me.
So, I was out at the Cuff friday night, and I ran into Terry, the lawyer. Last summer I met Terry and wanted to date him, but I was seeing Harry at the time. I messed around with Terry, and told him I was single, but he found out I was dating. I apologized for being a jerk. He said he respected that.
By the time I ended things with Harry, and tracked Terry down, he was dating someone else.
While Terry and I were talking, he mentioned that he's been single for the past 3 months. I was, I don't know, regretful, when I heard that. We talked a bit more and then went our separate ways. Later on, I tracked him down, and said "Ok, I'm thick. One question, yes or no. Do I have a shot at dating you?" He paused a minute and then told me that he didn't want to date anyone right now, that he needed some time to figure
out why he fell for the last guy.
Sigh. Part of me thinks that story was a glorified "no". Part of me is now plotting to try and go out with Terry.
Saturday, Bruce, F and I went kayaking; sort of. We rented kayaking, but something happened between Bruce, F and the salesman. While I was waiting by the creek, F came up to me and told me that Bruce wasn't going anymore. Bruce had exploded, and was leaving. I went to try and talk to Bruce, but he was speeding out of the parking lot by the time I got there.
F and I kayak'd up to Marymoor, and then back. He bitched to me about Bruce. Apparently Bruce has done this several times, and he doesn't know how to handle it. Hopefully Bruce's mood will improve after he's had surgery. Bruce told me he rarely gets more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night because of his apnea.
Saturday night, I went out to the SeaWolf, and the Eagle. Didn't meet anyone interesting.
Sunday I played softball. We lost our first game. 7-5. It served us right. In the 'D' level, we have become the team to beat. Not that that means very much, because hey, it's D level. The first team was so intimidated by us, that they ran 2 extra practices the previous week. Too many of our players were getting unjustifiably cocky. Loosing is just the kick in the pants we need.
We won the second game 14-6
After the game, almost all the softball players went to the Cuff. I talked to a couple of guys who seemed nice, but I didn't bother exchanging numbers. I also ran into a guy who knows Harry and his new boyfriend. He really ran Harry down, called him a gold digger, and tried to prove it to me. He said he suspected Harry left me because I wasn't giving him enough money. I told him we broke up for other reasons. This guy was not a good man. Harry is not a gold digger. Now that I think about it, I've never heard this guy say anything good about anyone. I'll put him on my people to keep half an eye on.
I don't really like my softball team. Several teammates are bitchy queens. We went out for dinner Sunday evening, and they trashed everyone and anyone. They always start off with a small compliment about someone, and then they proceed to run him into the ground.
After diner, I went to Bruce's place. We watched "Further Tails of the City" It's really cheap drama. I didn't really like it. F said that most of it would be lost on me because I missed the first 12 hours. He's probably right.
Harry and I talked today. He said things were going well with his new boyfriend. He told me that I was a good man and that I'd eventually find someone. I told him he had a big heart.
Wow, reading over this, I sound like a bitch queen.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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