Friday, February 09, 2024

The Planning Begins

The night of Mom's passing, while we were out for dinner, my brother asked how I was feeling. I responded that I was exhausted but felt lighter and relieved. He said he understood. Taking care of Mom was a huge burden on us all. 

For the first time in weeks, we all slept through the night and slept in the next morning.

While we have been preparing for the wake and funeral, we have been collecting photos and sifting through Mom’s possessions.

Over the past two years, as Mom’s dementia progressed, she would frequently lose her purse. After searching, we’d find it in strange places. It became clear that Mom was losing her purse because she hiding it from who knows, then forgetting about it. About a year ago, the purse just vanished, not to be found again…

Until last night. Dad found it in the back of her closet, underneath blankets.

1 comment:

"Tommy" said...

My thoughts are with You, my friend, as you and your family walk this road together.
