Thursday, July 20, 2023

The doctor has shared that GS may not recover. M, his wife, has discussed this with their kids. Our old gang of friends is rallying around them, helping in any way they can, ensuring they have food and clean laundry, and taking care of their pets.

As for my parents-- my brother, cousin, and I continue to fix up their house. There is a lot of water seeping through the floor in one room of the basement, causing mold and rotting wood. We (mostly my brother) have torn out those walls and flooring to prevent the mold from spreading. We also bought a humidifier to dry that room out. Once it's dry, we'll decide how to rebuild it again. Dad has made it clear that we can't leave it unfinished.

Last night, a few of us went to see some community theater, and it was a good show with great music. However, Mom and Dad stayed home as Mom needs to go to bed early. She starts to forget where she is after about seven pm.

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