Monday, July 03, 2023

I am currently up in the Ottawa Valley, where my mother is expected to be discharged from the hospital in just a couple of days. Dad, my brother, and I have already started discussing the arrangements for her return home. It's an important decision that requires careful consideration.

We are all aware that the extent of her improvement will play a significant role in determining our next steps. If her condition is manageable, we are hopeful that Dad can take on the responsibility of caring for her at home. It would mean providing her with the support and assistance she needs while ensuring her well-being.

However, we are also mindful of the potential challenges that lie ahead. We have begun looking into local long-term care facilities as a viable option. While I understand that Mom may strongly resist this idea, we must prioritize her overall well-being and consider what is best for everyone involved. If the burden becomes too great for Dad or if her care requires specialized attention, we may need to seriously consider this alternative.

Throughout these discussions, one thing has become increasingly evident: the emotional toll it takes on Dad. It's heart-wrenching to witness the vulnerability and sadness he has shown during this difficult time. It serves as a stark reminder of the depth of our family's love and the profound impact this situation has on us all.

As we navigate this uncertain path, our primary objective remains the same – ensuring the best possible care and quality of life for Mom. We will continue to weigh our options, considering all factors, including her physical and emotional well-being. Our decisions will be driven by love, compassion, and a shared commitment to her happiness and comfort.

In the end, no matter which direction we choose, we are united as a family, ready to face the challenges together. With open hearts and unwavering support for one another, we will find the strength to navigate this new chapter in our lives, cherishing the precious moments we have with Mom and striving to provide her with the care she deserves.

1 comment:

"Tommy" said...

So goes so many of my friends, who are faced with the care of aging parents . As I look having been born as the first child in a Late years marriage .. I feel blessed.... truly blessed.. Its an awesome task of preparation, devotion and Love...for you and so many of my friends... I hope for the best for y'all .

