Cor is stressing out. He called me this morning and told me he was dumping his current boyfriend He said he really wants to meet a good man and settle down. We joked about it for a bit. I told him couldn't really help but mabye C2 could. A while later he sent C2 and I this email...
C2, Barry
I need a husband who :
1) Is intelligent, a Master degree will help. Foreign languages too.
2) Well traveled (been to at least 30 countries but not on Business trips). Like adventures.
3) Got a good job
4) Very good looking, latin or white
5) Masculine, to the point that I will not see anything gay in him
6) Good in bed (and outside of it too). A good size will help a lot. Has to be very sexual.
7) Live in the Seattle area
8) Able to love, care and move in
9) Good body, muscular and outdoor guy
10) Like to share a life, completely faithful.
I am tired to “break the hearts”. Two in a week is too much. Therefore I need someone close to above description. Enclose is one pic of mine a couple of weeks ago.
Do you know anyone?
C2 and I had lunch together and had a good laugh over Cor's email. C2 and I have been single for years now. We'd be overjoyed if either of us could meet a man with half of Cor's criteria.
I think that Cor is about to learn a painfull lesson about being single. Part of me feels sorry for him. Part of me says "Join the club."
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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