I've had a social couple of days. Monday evening I had dinner with Steven at Siam's. It was fun. He has a job interview in NY this weekend. He also told me about his latest adventures. He picked up a guy last Sunday who just happens to be a drinking buddy of mine. He was caught off guard when he figured out I knew his trick. After Dinner, Steven and I had a beer at the Cuff. They played Thumb Wars a cute spoof of Star Wars.
Tuesday I had dinner with Mathew. He shaved his beard. He doesn't look as cute anymore ;-( I didn't tell him that though. We had dinner at Ing, and dessert at the 611 Supreme.
Wednesday night, summer hockey started. We lost 11-0. Bleah. The organizers weren't sure what teer to put us in, so they put us in teer 2. We think teer 2 is a bit above us, so we're going to petition to be moved to teer 3.
Oh yeah. C5 emailed me, out of the blue, and asked me out for lunch. We'll see. Lunch is Monday.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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