I'm back now. I spent the past week in Pembroke Ontario, with my parents
If my friends in Toronto are conservative compared to my friends on Seattle, then my family is way right wing. My parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, go to Church once or twice a week, pray after every meal, some of them thump the bible. A cousin was given a book about muslim, but was afraid to bring it home because it would violate the Christian sanctity of his house.
There isn't much to do in Pembroke. So that we would have something to do, for Christmas I gave my brother a dart board. My brother is very competative with me. We wrestled a bit, although, he's 6'11'', and 260lbs, so if he pushes his weight around, I don't stand a chance. He also beet me at darts and at cards. I gloated big time every time he won. It's amazing how family pushes your buttons.
For Christmas, I got a boot scrubber, a big bottle of maple syrup and a shirt.
My parents both drive school buses for extra money. Half the kids on the busses gave them chocolates or cookies for Xmas. So, we had pounds and pounds of sweets to eat over the holidays.
Spending time with my father is weird. We get along, but we don't talk. We silently work together. The two of us spent a couple of afternoons doing odd jobs around their farm.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
11 hours ago