Harry's ex, Chris5, and I agreed to get together Friday for lunch. About 20 minutes before I left, I got this from Harry...
> Hey Barry. Just a note to say hello. We need to get
> together soon again. It was really good to see you
> and to feel you and kiss you again.
> Give me a shout.
> Hey I ordered all of my windows for the house
> yesterday. It is going to look so much better with
> new windows.
> What are you doing this weekend. Give me a call and
> stop by if you get a chance. I might go into
> Seattle
> tonight. Depends on how tired I am after working on
> the house.
So, I had lunch with Chris5. We had a good time. It was sunny after lunch, so we took a walk along the creak. We found a private spot, sat down and chatted a while, and kissed a bit.
I left bit annoyed with myself, and confused. I called Harry up Friday afternoon. We talked a bit. He said I didn't really know what was going on in his life. He hadn't had sex with the FB in a while. Also, he ended up not spending last Saturday night at FB's
Harry and I agreed to get together Saturday night.
Friday night, Chris2, Chris3, Bruce and I went to a private party hosted by some of Chris2's co-workers. On our way in, Chris2 said "I hope so and so is here, because I want to insult him." Chris2 is kind of fun to be with. To most people, he's not a very nice man. I haven't suffered his wrath yet. In fact, he mentioned that I am one of the few people he knows that he hasn't insulted.
We didn't know anyone there. Chris3 and I sat down at a table with a group of people who were telling cop-escape stories. After a few minutes, one of the people turned to Chris3 and said "Hey, you're a cop.. Aren’t you?" Chris3, being a big bullshitter, said “Yes”, and went a long with it. He looks the part.
At about 10pm, Chris3 and Bruce left to see Chris1. Chris2 and I went to RockBottom for food and drinks.
I puttered around Saturday. Saturday evening I went over to Harry's. I helped him paint his bathroom. He has no furniture in his house, so we had a picnic by the fireplace.
He mentioned that Friday night he talked to Chris5. Chris5 told him that we talked at movie bears and had lunch on Friday. At that point I thought I was busted, but Harry just used the opportunity to vent about Chris5.
I ended up having a great time. I spend the night. I think Harry had a great time too. The next morning, we he realized that I was leaving for Toronto on Monday, he looked disappointed.
I really like Harry. I guess I have to figure out what to tell Chris5. On Friday at lunch I agreed to go out with Chris5 on a real date. At that time I thought I was out of Harry’s picture. I owe Chris5 an explanation so that he doesn't think it's something he did. But, at the same time I don’t want to say "I can't date you because I am pursuing your ex."
There are too many Chris's in my life. Chris3, Bruce's boyfriend, wants to be Chris1. Instead, Bruce and I have started referring to the Chris's by their last names. It doesn't feel right though.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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