Thursday Bruce and I went out for Drinks and Pool at the Workshop. Bruce wants to start a moving busness, just so that he can say he does something blue coller. We both want to be normal straight acting guys, but eyebrow's always go up when we say we're software design engineers.
Friday afterwork, Bruce and I played pool at the Workshop. There were a few cute guys there. I wish the more straight acting guys would go to gay bars. Later, I left for softball practice. After practice, the team went to Changes. I had one beer and a small plate of fries that cost $2.50. I guess they only serve food to get the liquor license. Afterwards I left for the Cuff. I had a bottle of water, and then went home. It was bear weekend, so there were lots of guys up from Portland.
Saturday, Bruce and I worked at positive solutions all day. We reinstalled some of their servers, and tried to install a firewall/proxy server. The firewall didn't work out, so we had to back off. In the evening, we had dinner with F and a friend of F's at Siam. Then F went out for a movie, and Bruce went home. I went out for a drink at the Cuff. I ran into Brian there. He's out of jail now. He was pissed off that I never called him while he was away. I told him that I didn't know what else to do, and that I didn't want him to think about me.
We talked a while. He's going through a hard time right now. He couldn't work the proper hours while he was in jail, so he lost his job. He's fighting that right now. Things might be good. 3 law firms have called him up, asking to represent him. Currently, he's working at a Target. He lucked out and got a managment position.
Brian told me that his bunkmate in jail was very fat, and smelt bad. One day, they were running dogs through the prison, sniffing for drugs. When the dog's sniffed bunkmate's locker, they ran out of the cell.
He also said that he met many people that he doesn't want to have anything to do with. He was first supposed to go to a white-collar prison, but due to his job hours, they tranferred him to a prison for long-term offenders who were being re-integrated into society. He told me that he met a guy who is in his 40's, but just got his first paycheck ever.
Aparently they hated him in the prision. There were also rumours that he was an undercover cop. I can see why the guys would hate Brian. He's a real go-getter, who loves money. Brian doesn't have a lot of time for anyone who is poor, and is not working hard.
He only gave his phone number to three people. One of those three people is already dead; drug overdose in a hotel room.
Brian spent the night at my place. The next morning, we went out and had breakfast with F and Bruce. F mentioned that Brian looks a lot like Harry. I guess I've got a type.
Sunday afternoon was softball. We won both of our games. The first game was a cake walk. I felt bad for the other team, and started chearing for them. The second game was a bit more challenging. Their defense wasn't strong either.
Sunday evening, I went out the Cuff again. I ran into Steven. We talked a while, and told me that he'd like to stay friends, even if we didn't date. I agreed. I'm going to try and work him into my life.
Monday, back to work. Worked out Monday night.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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