Don't think very much happend on Thursday.
Friday, I went out and did a tour-de-bar. Had a few pitchers of bear with Bruce at the Workshop. Had dinner, went downtown by my self, and went to C.C's, the Seawolf, R-Place, and the Eagle. I only drank water when I was downtown. The Eagle is now charging a $2 cover, and it is keeping some of the riff-raff out. When I left, this guy was hanging around the door, trying to sell a pack of cigarettes for $2.00
Saturday was the first day of softball. We won our morning game 16 to 8. We lost our afternoon game, 15-13. It's very D level. It's fun though. ]
In the evening, I went to Ryan and Jen's for a Fry party. Brent brought over a turkey fryer, and they battered and fried many things. hot dogs, onion rings, vegetables, whatever. Later on we watched Iron Chef: eggplant battle. When I was leaving, I backed the truck over a small ledge by the side of their driveway. Thankfully, the drop wasn't too far, and Brent managed to pull me out.
Sunday morning, I had breakfast with Bruce and F. Bruce and Caz got into some kind of arguement over P.S. and they aren't talking now. Bruce has sleep apnea, and hasn't been sleeping well lately. He's getting a machine that will help him, but till then, he's acting cranky, and tired.
After breakfast, I went hiking up Tiger Mountain.
Went downtown the the Cuff Sunday evening. Had some beer. Ran into Caz. I think he still wants to work with Bruce at P.S,
Monday, I met a guy on the internet who lives in a condo near me. We went out for a beer. He's a Foreign student from Brazil. He was nice, but nothing happend, and probably ever will.
Tuesday morning I went to the dentist. Because I grind my teath, she's getting me a tooth gard that I can wear while sleeping. I've got a small cavity too.
I'm having dinner with Andy tonight, he's in Seattle on business.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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