I went out Sunday evening, and ran into Dave. Dave used to be a bartender at the Eagle. We had one date way back in November. It turned into a nightmare/adventure. We missed hooking up a few times afterwards. But, last Sunday, he asked me out again. Rollar-blading this at Alki. We'll see. It sounds like he may be moving to San Francisco.
Work was ok today. Got a sneak peak at the next vision for my product. It won't be out for 2 to 4 years.
I still miss Harry. I've been thinking about telling him I'm a bottom to see how he reacts. I'm still not comfortable with anyone knowing. I gotta do it though. I think we could work things out if he knew.
I forgot to mention this... One week ago, on monday, when I got home from work, there was a message on my machine. Someone whistled Basket Case by Green Day. I think it was Steven, but I'm not sure. The Caller-ID number wasn't available.
Now the really scary part. At the end of the message, you'll hear a beep, and then someone do-do-doing the same tune. I have a tape answering machine. When I digitized the message, I just played the tape, so it didn't stop at the end of the whistling message. That's when I heard the do-doing for the first time. This probably means that the caller left the message in do-do-do form, changed his mind, and figured out how to erase the message (erase is password protected on my machine, but it's only a one digit password), then left the message in whistling form.
I burned a CD with some random songs, and included the message as one of the tracts. I'll play the CD for people I suspect left the message, and see how they re-acted.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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