I've cracked a rib. It happened during hockey. I'm ok, but sore. I have to watch my posture.
I had a very strange weekend. Saturday morning C2 told me he his being investigated by the FBI for the theft of $50,000.00 of software. It's not outright theft. It's complicated white collar crime. He called a few of us and apologized very profusely. We all took it the same way-- we don't care. We vaguely knew what C2 was up to. (Buying not-for-resale software from employees and then reselling it) It's not outright theft because at all stages, money exchanged hands in return for legitimately owned product. The actual crime involves violation of copyright law and licensing agreements.
The FBI has questioned C2, but they won't tell him anything. At most they said that if he one day reads about some people being charged in this case, and his name isn't mentioned, then he's probably free.
So, C2 spent the weekend at my place. He's very depressed. I was a substitute boyfriend for him. We held each other all day Saturday and he slept overnight. Sunday morning we went to C.O.R.E. 4x4 Challenge and then in the afternoon, we held each other again.
Monday morning while I was in the shower. he left without saying goodbye . I'm kind of pissed at him for that. But right now I understand that he's not thinking clearly.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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