Sunday, December 17, 2023

Holiday season…

We hosted a holiday gathering today, with approximately 30 to 40 guests, including people we only see once or twice a year at similar events.

During this  holiday season, we have gone to a party or dinner every night since Wednesday. With my boss visiting for a few days in the upcoming week, I expect there will be a few ore. Then, on Thursday, we are scheduled to fly out to visit my parents near Ottawa. Busy, busy, busy.

At work I’ve been in more of a contemplative mood. My boss is around this week. He has a way of thinking and speaking that is positive, forward looking, outcome oriented and empowering. He doesn’t put up with complaints or shortsightedness, especially from well paid employees. It has me think, what do I want from my career and my organization. I have enough influence that I don’t get to complain about the powers that be. But what do I want…

1 comment:

"Tommy" said...

Safe Travels and I hope you find most everything doing fairly well up there in the Northern Regions
