Wednesday, May 27, 2020

We went away for the weekend to Winthrop WA, a tiny little town east of the mountains. Lots of hiking. Gorgeous views.

The hotel was properly social distanced. The restaurant and bar were closed. Food was takeout only.

At some of the stores in Winthrop, you could literally window shop. You couldn't enter the store, but the shop keeper would post their number on the door. You called the shop keeper and discussed the merchandise. They would bring things up to the window, and answer questions.

The coffee and ice cream place had way too many people not social distancing.


Bathwater said...

Unfortunately this will not allow those shop keepers to survive. I dread having to buy everything on line. I guess it allows us to see what we really need.

"Tommy" said...

Y'all seem to be doing better than we are down here. Folks just won't listen..
