I guess the moral of the following story is that I can sometimes be selfish. But not that selfish. And only in a funny way.
I have an
allergy to some brands of toilet paper. I don't always know which brand until it's too late, so I didn't find out I was
allergic to the Costco house brand of
TP until after we bought a case.
Since using
TP I'm
allergic to is a bad idea, I went out and got
myself some
allergy free
TP; thick, soft and infused with aloe.
I put my
TP on the shelf next to the toilet, but
RO start using it. I didn't want him to use it because I didn't want to be wasteful. We had a case full of the Costco
TP and my
TP was expensive.
So, I put the
TP in the cupboard
across from the toilet. My arms are longer than
RO's and the cupboard is just out of his reach when he is sitting on the toilet. So, I could count on my easy access to the
TP and his continued use of the Costco
This went on for weeks.
RO used the Costco
TP and I used the
Yesterday he figured out what I was doing. He was looking for a towel. He looked in the cupboard opposite the toilet. He saw the case of the
allergy free
TP and a half used roll. He put two and two together and figured out that I was hiding the nice,
allergy free
TP from him.
He told me what he thought of the situation last night. He accused me of being selfish, of hiding the nice
TP from him. He had a big smile on his face the whole time.
I don't that bad for what I did. But I do need to make amends with
RO. This morning I put a roll of the nice
TP out for
RO to use.