This week has started out stressful, but is ending up OK. I had two important deadlines. I couldn't miss either without major consequence.
The first was calibration. I, and all the other managers at my day job get together and compare employees-- rank them and bucket them. Who did a good job? Who is too helpful, but never gets their regular job done? Who is a super star?
The discussions have consequences. Words are chosen carefully.
"This projects shows that..."
"You don't get promoted for doing projects."
"Did I say project? I meant completed scenario."
"I've heard lots of good things about this employee, but nothing bad. Are they being insulated from the day to day realities of the job?"
"He helps so many people and is always willing to answer questions."
"Our product doesn't ship because we answer questions. Our product ships because everyone does the work and carries their own weight. Perhaps he should be writing a book or document about this so that he never has to answer a question again."
All in all, the debate is fare and thorough. The two most senior people in the room keep it that way. I still have lots to learn. I feel personaly responsible for my employee's evaluations. I have to distance my self abit. I'm not a bad manager if all my employees don't get gold stars.
Gold stars. That's what it comes down to. I am not giving out gold stars. I'm giving out stock and cash. And that is what makes calibration so stressful.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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