Monday, April 18, 2005

Over the weekend I did some hiking. WOrked around the house.

Matt and Sandy are having marital problems. So I don't hear much of them right now.

C2 in Iraq writes...

I'm glad it's raining there and it even rained a little here (but not much.) ... There's a Great water park in Abu Dabi (I think Vic has been to it) that I think you'd enjoy. The best part is that they use a water slide to take you 'up' as well as down. There was a 'Boston Marathon' here today so I've spent much of my day out taking pics. I also do PR stuff and need to start drafting a weekly newspaper too. Uh, do you have a copy of Publisher? I thought I had one but can't find it.

Yes, I didn't expect things to be all 'peachy-keen' here but frankly, I expected it to be more of a challenge as well. I mean I've not had to deal with one scorpion in my boot or run from any bullets or Anything to that effect! I get all the food that I can eat (free) and we've had lobster at least once a week! I'm almost free from hacking up green stuff, and frankly the worse thing that has happened is that I ran out of socks between laundry and had to go 'sock-less' for one day. Where's the Challenge? So, I'm not complaining (unless you call my last sentence a complaint.) I'm glad you look forward to my emails and I wish I'd hear from Matt/Sandy as well. I do hope they make it.

Well, enjoy the pics. They should be self explanatory. We wear the armoured vest/helmet at least once a week, for practice and for real when they consider things 'hot.' I feel and look like a dork but at least I'm a 'safe dork' (on my way to lunch.)

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