Monday, March 15, 2021

1. I'm a little disappointed in myself. With my husband away I had planned to do all sorts of things. Projects I've been putting off. Reading. Instead I binge watched TV. I caught up on all the shows that the husband isn't fond of. And I played games.

2. Over a year ago I applied for U.S. citizenship. I've lived in the U.S. for twenty four years. I'm married to an American. It's time.

At long last I have an date for my citizenship interview-- the first week of April. Now I am busy studying my civics questions. Most are easy ("What major event happened on Sept 11, 2001?")  Some give me pause. ("What are the Federalist Papers? Why are they important?")


Bathwater said...

I am sure most citizens cannot answer those questions.

Bohemian said...

You'll have to inform me, a Lifelong American, what the Hell the Federalist Papers are, I'm too lazy to Google it and I'm pretty damned sure few Americans could even answer that Question... really. *LOL* Good luck with being approved. My Mom never bothered, she carried her Green Card {then they were Pink later on} the entire time she lived here, which was longer than she ever lived in her Country of Origin. I think she still got very Homesick, she never met many others from North Wales over the Years nor got to speak her Native Language with anyone.
