Sunday, July 12, 2020

We hosted a going away party today. A friend is moving away from Seattle and we wanted to say good bye.

There were eight guests. We all wore masks, except while we ate. It was good to see everyone and to send our friend off.

Afterwards the husband and I had a good conversation about social distancing. This part was a little larger I am comfortable with, though I could easily keep my distance. Everyone there got it. No one complained about wearing masks. In fact, we encouraged each other.

I have finally found some masks that I like, that are comfortable, and that don't cause my glasses to fog up too much. There is still much to learn about mask etiquette. How safe am I being if I regularly push my mask aside to sip at my drink? Or eat a hamburger?


Bathwater said...

Good to see you are getting together and practicing social distancing. I will admit, I am not always good at that around friends. Sorry the economy is hitting your friends.

"Tommy" said...

The proper techniques in Mask Wearing is essential nowadays... I got some nice ones for Father's Day...
