I got this email from Woofer...
Vic has been having endless pain since Christmas. There is some kind of obstruction/tumor on his spinal cord. It became apparent after a Chiropractor visit.
The pain medication has not really helped, and he is having trouble sleeping, etc.
2-days ago, it got so bad that BF took him to the hospital, and they gave him a shot that helped, unfortunately it would only work for a few hours, and the pain would flair up again.
Last night he had another attack. This time it put him on the floor convulsing, like he was having a seizure. He was having trouble breathing, and BF said his pulse and blood pressure was at a very dangerous level. He said Vic is very frightened, as things seem to be getting worse.
Vic is now in emergency at the hospital, and they are giving him round the clock attention.
The neurosurgeon will be doing more assessments and tests, and I suspect he will not be released until he has surgery to correct this situation.
I'm very scared because it is getting worse over the last few days.
Also the neurosurgeon told him and BF that this is a very complicated situation.
Just thought I would update you.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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