For me, Halloween is the 2nd biggest holiday of the year, after Christmas. I don't dress up or anything like that, but I always get invited to many parties. I'm busy the whole weekend. I eat too much candy. Drink to much.
As an added bonus, the clock goes back an hour are Halloween. So I get the gift of an extra hour of sleep.
Friday night i went to JR's house for a pre-halloween party with the bruders (His friends) JR is a differnt sort of fellow. Very smart. However art, any art, crappy-drawing-printed-out-on-a-cheap-printer art gets him way too excited.
Saturday I worked on a retaining wall with C2. We had to pour concrete. There was a gap at the bottom of one of the forms in an areay we couldn't easily see or get to. While we pouring, C2 suggested that the form was holding much more concrete than you'd think it would need. We scrounged around and found the leak. I had to crawl on my belly for about 10 feet to get to the leak and plug it up.
Saturday night C2 and I went to T&J's Halloween party. I was invited to two other parties, and i was planning on leaving T&J's early. However, I had a good time there and stayed till late.
After that C2 and i went to the Madison Pub and the Cuff to gawk at the costumes. There were many very elaborate outfits. C2 commented how some people really get into it and feel proud of themselves. C2 and I agreeded; making a good costume takes much time, skill and effort, but we just don't care about the results.
We saw Behr at the Cuff. He's looking good for a man who just had a heart attack. We didn't talk long because it was loud and crowded.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
11 hours ago