Friday, Saturday and Sunday got interesting.
Friday night I went to the Cuff, and ran into Harry we talked a while. It was good to see him again. I left at about midnight and went to the Eagle. Dave and I were supposed to talk there, about getting together on Saturday. Well, Dave wasn't there. I guess it's over with Dave. I'm not interested in persuing anything.
Instead, I met Tim. Tim is Harry's friend. He owns a ranch out in Spokane, he's also a bit of an author Tim was a nice guy. We were impulsive and decided to go to Levenworth together the next day. It was an interesting trip, and I learnt alot about Harry in the process.
Some juicy details...
I think Harry had a big crush on Tim. Tim mentioned that he conviced Harry to buy an F-350, just like Tim drives. Also, When I first met Harry, he had a small saddle hanging from his mirror. Well, so does Tim.
I also heard more about Harry's restraining order story. One time, months ago, Harry and Brian had a messy breakup. Brian developed a real hate-on against Harry. One night, Tim and Harry pulled into the Federal Way rest area and Tim went for a pee. They were just about to leave we a couple of cop cars pull up. The officers ID Tim and Harry, and then serve Harry with a restraining order. Brian had told the cops that Harry was stalking and threatening him. Brian was at the rest area, and called the cops when he saw Harry's truck. The restraining order prevented Harry from going to some of the popular bars and, from going to the Federal Way rest area!
A few days later Harry and Brian appear before a judge to clear up the restraining order. Tim went along as a character reference. During the hearing, Harry and Brian started to negiotiate over the locacations Harry could and could not go. Now here is the pathetic part-- Harry really wanted access to the Federal Way rest area, and tried to negotiate with Brian that Harry would be allowed to park in one part of the rest area, and Brian the other. This confused the judge-- he couldn't understand what was so important about a highway rest area. Tim said he was shaking his head at that part; negotiating access to cruisy public areas really doesn't help that straight community become comfortable with gays.
Quick ending; when the judge dug further, he determined that Harry was not stalking or threating Brian. The restraining order was thrown out.
Back to me...
Tim ended up spending Saturday night at my place. Maybe we'll get together again. Maybe not. Tim said he was going through a lot right now, and couldn't make any commitments.
Sunday I went with Brian (A different Brian than Harry's Brian) to EMP. It was fun, expensive but fun. I'm trying to figure out how to keep Brian away from me. Telling him to stay away doesn't work. Now I'm trying to slowly push more and more time between visits. He's going through a lot of stress right now. So that might not work. I kind of bad about this. He feals happy when he's with me.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
11 hours ago