Monday, March 28, 2022

On the hummingbird photos-- it took several days and over one hundred pictures to capture the six I posted. Hummingbirds *are* flighty and fast creatures. The good photos took as much luck as anything else.

The husband's step-niece, SS, spent the weekend with us.  SS is lovely. She likes to be engaged in conversation alot. I almost wrote that she talks a lot, but that's wrong. She spends a fair amount of time asking deep questions... getting to know you. That makes the whole experience that much more tiring for me. I need social downtime. 

We had a good tour of Seattle. We saw the sights, walked the walks and ate too much.

The husband and SS spent much time discussing being adult children of alcoholics. This is complicated. Some of their past history is harrowing. 

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

I tend to ask a lot of questions. I like to know the mystery and get people to open up.
