Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Our friend is getting better. The fever has broke and he is up and around.

Our roommate, our brother-in-law, is getting bored. Today, to amuse himself, he gave himself a perm.

We are starting to play online games with our friends. We've found a few social gaming sites like UnoFreak.com. We setup Zoom or Skype on a laptop, and then play games and chat or an hour. Its fun. It helps things feel normal for an hour.

Feel normal for an hour-- I spoke too soon. An internet connected karaoke mic just showed up. Apparently, this Saturday, we are schedule to sing karaoke with friends from Boston.

My work day is very full & busy. To be honest, I feel good about that. My days are going quickly.

I like getting up in the morning, showering, shaving, putting nice clothes, making myself presentable even if its just for a day of video calls. I could do it all from bed in a t-shirt. No one would care. I want to feel a little better about myself, even if it means a little more laundry and a little more work.


Bathwater said...

I hope this online life doesn't take root for good. Hanging with people in person is so much more fun.

Bathwater said...

It has been quiet here. Everything still okay?

"Tommy" said...

I hope your friend improves each day.. its a terrible sickness.. especially for the older folks.. ... I hope yall see improvement in your friend very soon... Stay Safe
