Monday, March 02, 2020

Covid-19 is hitting Seattle a big way. 6 people have died in the past 48 hours. 5 of the six were older than 70. The remaining one was 50 and with an underlying health condition.

Work has canceled nonessential travel. Lunch is no longer buffet style. We have switched to box lunch. We are encouraging people to work from home. 

The brother-in-law works at an old age home. They are in lock down there. Servers are wearing masks. 


"Tommy" said...

Its REALITY to hear from the center of an event..... Covid 19 has been on my mind also, I hope it doesn't show up here ... we have such an influx of people that come through the courthouse.

Bathwater said...

With all the Chinese people I deal with and the fact several of us travel to China. I am surprised it hasn't broken out in our office. At least not officially. The last person from my office that went to China returned early January and a wicked cold did sweep trough the upstairs. Who knows what was. It could be spreading out Michigan and no one knows just like Washington.

mccart katty said...
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