It was good to catch up with everybody. Even though I share nothing in common with them, I enjoyed it very much.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Mom is in the hospital. Her heart was racing this morning. It does that from time to time. She will be OK.
She is supposed to rest more, but she's not good at that. Yesterday was the Family XMAS dinner. Rather than making Dad and I do most of the work. She pitched in and worked hard. Now she's paying for it today.
Dad said, that when her heart races, all she is supposed to do is to lay down and rest. However she is so high strung, that she can't rest. She has to go to the hospital, or the thought of it makes it worse.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
The fall leaves have washed away. Now the forests are green again with sword ferns and fir trees.
I've been feeling something new lately-- moments of peace or calm. Sometimes it happens on the motorcycle. Other times it happens when I'm walking along a stream, or just sitting and listening to good music. I haven't felt that for a long time.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
I blew him off.
Then, weeks later, BIB and I were talking. BIB mentioned that Sandy invited him over for the pre-Thanksgiving party, but then called him up and uninvited him. An ex of BIB's would be there and Sandy needed the party to be calm, so rather than risk the drama, he un-invited BIB.
It was very weird.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
RO and I spent the last few days at a resort on the pacific ocean. It was windy and cloudy the whole time we were there. None this less, I had a great time. The resort had great food and a nice spa. And I discovered I can spend hours watching the waves roll in. Very peaceful.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Its very relaxing to ride. Motorcycles are the opposite of automatic. You have to focus on its operation every second-- the manual transmission, the two breaks, the throttle. The speed of an automatic is self regulating. Hold the gas pedal steady and the velocity stays steady. Not so with a manual motorcycle. Constant adjustments are necessary for corners and hills.
At the end, when i get off the motorcycle, when I no longer need to focus or sit properly, I feel very relaxed and at peace.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Old Mail
We tracked down the old owners, Bing makes that easy, and we had an interesting conversation.
The anniversary card-- the previous owners are now divorced. The sender of the anniversary card is dead.
The Chrismas card-- send from a couple that's now divorced.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Yo said to the Angel "What's a black woman doing in Bellevue?"
The Angel answered "Are you racist?" She was a bit offended that Yo would make such a comment.
As if prompted the black lady shouted "Am I the only black women in Bellevue Washington? Where are the other niggers! Certainly not here."
Yo kept his mouth shut.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
A week ago, it was mid eighties and sunny. Today it is mid sixties and rainy. Typical Seattle fall weather.
RO and I have bought two rocking chairs for our front porch. Something to sit in with a nice wool blanked over your lap and enjoy a glass of wine wine while we watch the drizzle.
I am aware how old this makes me sound. I would say that I am growing happy with simplicity.
BIB and I went hiking today for the first time since early August. He was worried that he couldn't make it up the mountain; that he lost his conditioning. He did just fine. He is dating a man. They like each other. Both of them are healthy and HIV+. I wish them the best.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, Clem and I went swimming at the local beach. There have been no life guards since Labar Day. None the less, the beach is packed with everyone having fun.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
The customers certainly looked like they needed legal marijuana. They all appear to be afflicted with that condition that causes bulging muscles in otherwise healthy young men. Until legal marijuana came along i think this condition could only be treated by regular trips to the gym.
I'm not anti-pot. I am concerned that the current laws don't do a better job of fostering personal integrity than the old.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I've been working on reviving a motorcycle. Its been sitting in the garage since 2006.
I've never ridden a motorcycle before. When Steven gave me his 93 cruiser, I decided to learn.
I have Yo as my guide. He worked in an engine repair shop, so he generally knows what he's talking about.
We are texting a lot. My motorcycle knowledge is small .
Me, "it has power, but it won't start."
Yo, "hold in the clutch. Its a safety interlock."
me, "duh..."
A few minutes later I managed to start the bike. But fuel was dripping out of it. I texted this to Yo.
He wrote back "hit the carburetor with a hammer."
"huh? why?"
"trust me"
it took me thirty minutes to find and get at the carberator, but after i did, and tapped it with a hammer, the dripping stopped.
yo was very impressed with himself when i told him it worked. Then he told me that carbs have a float that probably got stuck while the bike sat in the garage. Tapping the carb freed the float and closed the overflow hole.
I'm very impressed.
The yard
I've also bought a chainsaw and a leaf blower to help with the yard. We've cleared away alot of shrub trees with the chain saw and now have about a third more space.
Work is going well. I have two guys who work remote. One from Denver and one from Atlanta. They were both in town this past week. So we did months of team building in one week.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The motorcycle.
The years of neglect have taken there toll. The battery was bulging with corrosion and it took me over an hour to figure out how to remove it. This will be a fun challenge.
Hiking with bib
He is clearly out of shape; he had to rest several times on the way up. I think I was like that once. Now I can almost jog up cougar mountain to get to the falls. I recall that my first time needed plenty of rest breaks
I enjoyed my time with bib. I'll invite him again next week..
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011

The Simple Pleasures of a Bonfire....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I want to say we were robbed, but the police officer corrected me twice. Robbing happens inperson. Burgling happens when you are away from home.
Tuesday evening I came home from work. RO was relaxing. I started cooking. After maybe an hour, I went to our bedroom. Drawers were emptied out all over the bed and floor.
It really confused me. I went back to RO and asked him if he was looking for something in the bedroom.
He said "No."
I said. "This is important. Please come to the bedroom."
At that point it started to dawn on me that someone broke into our house. When RO saw the bedroom he realized the same thing. We called 911 and took a look around the house. Yo's room was also turned over. But the living room and office were untouched.
As near as we can tell, the theif took an Xbox 360, a watch and some cash. The weird part is that the thief left many valuables behind-- alcohol, art, jewelry, clothes, tools, a camera, laptops.
When the police officer came, he carefully took pictures and tried to get fingerprints. He mentioned that there were 3 other breakins in our neighborhood that day. They all had the same MO-- electronics and cash were taken, nothing else. The officer suspects it's a local school kid.
I'm not sure how I feel. It could have been much worse, it took an hour to clean up and I will miss the Xbox, but that's it. RO didn't take it well. He got very drunk and hasn't slept well since then.
I am going to get an alarm.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sometimes he rents booths at trade shows and street fairs to sell dips, jerky and pet combs. He also sells them on eBay.
Sometimes he does head hunting for hospitals and clinics. Suppose a hospital needs a temporary RN for a few days or weeks. Yo will find one.
Sometimes he does teeth whitening. Spas will hire him to come in for a day to do on-site teeth whitening. Apparently it only takes a hundred bucks of equipment and no training to do UV teeth whitening. Any one can do it. But if you put the equipment on a nice cart, and dress up in a white lab coat, then spa customers will pay big bucks for it.