Flashback. Two months ago I got T-Boned at an intersection.
Yesterday was her trial. I was called as a witness.
The summons was for 1pm. When I showed up, about 30 people where in the court-- many cases were being heard. I just sat there for the next hour. Every now and then a lawyer would call out someone's name and the two would chat.
Finally at 2pm things got started. It looks like Traffic Court is commodity law. They try to go through as many cases as quickly as possible. The more complex cases were remanded to a later date.
In a few cases the defendant didn't show up. The prosecutor immediatly added a "Charge of inattentiveness with an associated fine of $101.00"
In one case a good traffic lawyer was there. She managed to get a speeding ticket overturned by showing the radar hadn't been properly calibrated in over a year and by pointing out some irregularties in the paper work.
I should get her number.
Finally, the case I was ther for, came up. The prosecutor and the defense talked a bit. Then the judge said "Is a Mr. or Mrs. Cohen here?" I stood up and the judge addressed me. He said "The defendant has accepted a deferred prosecution so we don't need you. Go to the law clerk's office and they will pay you for your time."
I smiled at the prosecutor. He said "It's not much."
He was right. They paid $10.00.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
11 hours ago