lol gotta love our families long winded ness...
well I'll tell ya I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna have any luck in teh hight tech field, so I'm looking elsewhere. I've been unemplyed for some time ever since I pulled my back muscle. so although I've had work to do almost none of it was paying....
the sting with the goverment has been over since summmer jsut about and well they have a bills from me accumulatign to 70k and I'm not expecting to see anyof that. my latest bunch of web work offers was well once completly for free to create a tsunami web portal. and an other for Videoflicks to make a website for
them. and that was for no money but I was going to get free movie
rentals from them. and although they have the start of their website.
I'm not getting rentals and .................. annoying
SO I'm pretty much playing WoW for half my day and weight training the other half... and doo ing reasearch into the things that I'll ahve to
do and be able to do too qualify for being a police officer... My
problem with this is that I don't know given my prior back injuries and my residual knee iritation if I'll be accepted... So I'm talking to a cop or 2 and getting advice from them. looking into being a security guard in the interm... so I'll have something to referr too during the situational and aptitude tests for police.
All the while I'm affriad to let anyone know casue well I dont' know if I'll quallify and it's also possible I'm actually too tall to be a police officer but can't find anysuch limitations on teh web but I've
been told they exist .... so this may yet again be anouther
place/attempt to be gainfully employed that will fail miserably
But at least I'm getting into shape... my heal spur doesn't seem to be a problem anymore either so I'm relived about that.
My girlfriend is doing much better actually she's quite good she still has to learn what things go well with her stomach some foods seem to work sometimes adn doesn't others... she's well any time she eats shes burpy it's a little unpleasent but there are worse things that can exist.
Now enough about me how about U.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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