I spent the weekend in Victoria. It was fun and relaxing. Victoria is very quaint. It has very mild weather year around, making it a great place for gardens and retirees. It's in the rain shadow, so even though it's very close to Seattle, it gets much more sun.
We (Matt, Sandy, Mac, Joe and I) left Seattle at 5:30 am to make the 8:15 ferry.
We got to Vic and Steven's place at around 10:30am. It's beautiful. It's farily high up on Mill Hill, so they have a great view.
We didn't do much on Saturday, hung around, had dinner, played cards and went to bed.
Sunday we went to Butchart Gardens. They are very beautiful. It must take a small army of gardeners to keep them in shape.
After that, we went to downtown Victoria, watched an Imax Film and walked around the city. Very cute and touristy.
After that was dinner.
Monday, we got up late had breakfast, goofed off, packed and headed back to the ferry. Unfortunatly the ferry ride back was painful. We were delayed by about 45 minutes leaving. Then, when we got to the other end, another ferry was in our slip so we haid to wait another 20 minutes. Then, it took about an hour to get through customs. bleah.
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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