I'm back. I loved Puetor Vallarta. Last night i was looking at some of the photos I took and wanted to go back. The city its self isn't that great-- run down, dirty, 3rd world country. But the ocean and the sun make up for it.
I flew down with Mathew, Sandy, Mac and John.
Monday... we flew in. Sat in the sun for a couple of hours. Had dinner at a great restaurant (Pacfica) and hit the sack
Tuesday... We sat in the sun. Swam in the ocean and drank alot. Our bar tab (including food) ran about US$120.00 We met a group that called themselves "The Bitches Of Hamelton." They were from Hot Springs. Arkansas. What an odd crowd. Old, occasional draq queens. Very much into drugs. They had more pot than they could smoke in a week, so they gave Sandy a few joints. They also had a lot of Xanax-- at some pharamcies, you don't need a perscription to buy drugs. Together they were every bad gay stereotype you had ever met. Not a butch bone in their bodies. They gigeled at every lame quip that rolled off their tired lips. Must be all the Xanax.
We tried to keep some distance between them and us. But, we were in the same hotel and on the same schedules.
In the evening we drove to the Poco Hotsprings. The tour was organized by a local gay bar. We spent an hour on the road in a very rickety bus.
The hot springs were good. The dinner was nice. A number of guys got in on and had sex. At one point, an exhibitionist with a boner walked right towards the by me. I joked that I thought my eye was going to be poked out.
Wednesday things went a bit sour. We were on the beach talking about massages. The hotel offered massages. But, a guy on the beach offered erotic massages. We wondered what would you get with an erotic massage? Was a massage and a hand job cheating? That's were things went wrong. John said that a hand job and a massage was just a business transaction and wasn't really cheating. Mac (John's boyfriend) was very uncomfortable with that and said so, For the rest of the day he was very distant from John. They ended up arguing about it on the way to dinner.
Thursday I think things cleared up between Mac and John. At least they were holding hands again. We took a cruise. Saw dolphins, whales. Went snorkeling. Drank a lot. Swam in the ocean. It was a great day.
Thursday evening John got sick. Bleah.
Friday we hung out by the beach. Mathew and I took a walk through more of Vallarta. Very beautiful. Very touristy.
Friday night Mat, Sandy and i had dinner at the Red Cabbage. I thought the food was very good. Mathew on the other hand, got sick. We're not sure if it was the food at the Red Cabbage or something else
Saturday, Mat and Mac rested. John stayed in Vallarta, but Sandy and I went to Poco's Paradise-- a privage gay beach. Very quiet. Very relaxing. It's a nude beach. Sandy and I went nude for a bit, but one of the Bitches of Hamelton kept trying to take our picture. He stoped once we made it very clear to him that we didn't want pictures. But still, just in case, we stayed dressed.
Sunday. Last full day in Puerto Vallarta. We took it easy. Mathew and Mac are still a bit sick. John is stressing out. He doesn't take new situations well and John's being sick has weighed heavilly on him. We hung out at the beach durning the day. Mat and John will only eat American at this point-- Mac Donalds for Lunch. Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. Sandy and I are fine.
After the two couples went to bed, I went up the roof top bar and had a few drinks. I chatted with a guy, but he was only interested in Latino's.
Monday we flew back. Sandy took two Xanax to releive his flying anxiety. By the time we got back to Seattle, he was gigly and slightly sluring his words.
Random things I want to remember...
At night the ocean has glowning blue creatures. They're small-- a spec of sand. But they glow a beutiful blue
The waves can be loud. When some of the larger waves crash, my windows rattle
There are very few masculine men in this town. The other guys want to fix me up (I'm the only single guy) but, non-effemantive men are very hard to find. We spotted one, but after talking to him, it turned out he has a boyfriend
Spring Is In The Air
*I started this Post over Thrice already! I keep changing Topics. *LOL*
I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to
14 hours ago
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