Thursday, June 09, 2022

The mother-in-law will be in the hospital for at least another week. She is in pain, but able to move around. Her temper is flaring. Yesterday while the husband was visiting her, she lashed out at him. The husband left her and returned home. He saw no point in bearing the brunt of her anger.

This morning they talked over the phone. While she is still in pain, she is not taking it out on the husband.

At work, the great designation has hit me. One of my leads wants to work on a project that's very important to him. It will take him away from his day-job for about eight months. He knows he can't arrange a leave of absence for that long, so he is resigning.

I can't tell how much of that is a story and how much is true. Even under the best of conditions, it's ballsy to leave a good job.

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

I was contemplating the last line today while talking to a recruiter.
