Thursday, January 27, 2022

The husband and I have started working on our wills. Most of our will is straight forward-- if I die my possessions go to him. He makes my health care decisions if I am unable to respond.

And he me should the situation is reversed.

What if we are both not dead, but can't respond? What if we are both in comas? The lawyer asked us to think that through. 

After a few days of contemplating, I asked C2 if he would handle my health care directive if the husband was not able. 

I asked "Could you pull the plug on me?"

He responded "Oh yeah. I'd want the same."

That's what friends are for.


Bohemian said...

Your Gallow's Humor made me Smile.

Bathwater said...

Friends can be more logical concerning this than family. I have been postponing creating a living trust. For some reason, I have turning sixty as the milestone for many things this being one of them unless my health takes a turn for the worse.

That skiing accident get you thinking :)?
