Thursday, January 20, 2022

The husband and I both bought new skis and snowboards. So we have been trying to hit the hills. Last Sunday we drove to a local ski hill with C6. That ski hill had a large power outage just before we arrived. Power wasn't returned till the next morning.

Later today we are going to try night skiing. The weather looks bad. We shall see.

We had dinner with C2 last night. C2 has spent the last week moving into his new apartment and visiting his father in hospice. C2 is frustrated with his father's inability to die. C2's father just lays there like a vegetable. He eats every 2nd day or so. He defecates. That's it. No communication. He's not on life support. He's not on life sustaining medications. He just lays there.

When I think about my future, my end-of-life, I always assume I'm going to be able to talk until I die-- to communicate my wishes. If I turned into a vegetable, at some point I'd hope someone would give me end-of-life medications. Will doctors allow that? Our state allows assisted suicide. However, you must be awake and able to communicate. You must take the drugs yourself while an independent doctor watches. This is a complication for vegetables.


Bathwater said...

I think it should be your right to decide when you are ready to die when you get old.

Anonymous said...

Make a "living will" which instructs your doctor what is to happen if you can no longer communicate. Make it at the same time as your ordinary will. Roderick
