Thursday, May 20, 2021


Life in the Seattle suburbs continues.

A sick coworker returned to work today. He told me that he has now had COVID twice. Second time was worse than the first. He had to travel back and forth to India for family reaons, so this is a special circumstance and not wanton masklessness.

Tommy reminds me that many gay men are not gainfully using their lives. Some are choosing suicide by neglect. Tommy's experience is not unique. I know many gay men who would rather drink and party than do something that's a little like work.

Let me look at my Brother's Facebook feed…. Yes he is still posting these strained anti-establishment/anti-mask/pro-gun memes.

I don't have it in me to be angry at all this craziness. I don't know why. I have heard that sometimes I act like I don't care about the world. And I can see why. 

For a long time, since I was a kid, I've known that I can choose what I get angry at. With all the crazy in this world, angry won't help. So I just move on and live how I believe is right.




"Tommy" said...

Anger.... never won a battle...or an argument....

Tactical Patience is now being practiced in corporate America... its has been practiced here n La Politics for a long time.....

It's called in Louisiana:

Keep your mouth shut and you may learn something

Bathwater said...

I think more and more people are just tuning out. I think this is how society dies-- it just fizzles out. Not even a pandemic can bring us together as a people.

Robert Slater said...
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