Monday, April 05, 2021

It's been a little more spring like this past week. You can sit out side for a while without being chilled.

We had an in-person Easter brunch yesterday. Everyone had different numbers of vaccines in their system. Some had one J&J. Others one Monderna. Technically we were flouting the COIVD guidelines. It felt good to see old friends in person.

The husband has organized a food drive for the local foodbank. Sunday afternoon we picked up food from a friend who has hording tendencies.  We know her though AA. She is getting her life back on track. But, man-o-man she has a lot of stuff in her apartment. We filled the back of the husband's SUV with canned and dried goods that she finally admits she has no need of. We could have filled another SUV and she still would have had plenty to eat for a month.

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

Good to see the food go to use rather than out of date.
